Conversion Academy {8}

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I straightened my shirt, because something about me had to be straight for once. Leo was lying on his bed, looking less than awake.

Our door banged open and Siggy and Cam came inside. Cam went over to Leo's bed and yanked him so that he crashed onto the floor. Cam kicked Leo in the stomach, hard.

"When a dog pisses on the carpet, you rub its damn nose in it. Action, consequence." Cam pulled Leo to his feet and shoved him at Siggy. "Sig, show Leopold here what happens when you wreck a classroom."

Siggy grabbed Leo and punched him in the face, sending Leo stumbling back. Leo groaned and rubbed his jaw.

"Are you sure you and Rogan were adopted? You two both hit the same," he said.

"Don't talk about Rogan," Siggy said, striking Leo even harder.

"Point taken," Leo said.

Cam grabbed Siggy and pulled him out of the room after shooting a dirty look at Leo. They shut out door and Leo snickered.

"Siggy takes it too easy on me," he said, rubbing his jaw again. "I love to piss him off and get a real punch out of him."

"You're actually insane," I said, shaking my head.

"You're not wrong." He slung his bag over his shoulder. "Let's go, Killian."

We left the dorm and met up with Kaz, Pete, and Mikayla. Leo stepped up next to Mikayla and they fell into easy conversation despite how early it was and how tired everyone looked.

Pete seemed to be in a foul mood, glaring at everyone that walked past us. Kaz flanked him carefully, shaking pills out of an orange bottle into his hand and holding them out to Pete.

Pete took them and threw them back without even bothering to check what he was taking. Kaz noticed me and grinned.

"You can give him any pills and he'll take them," he said, ducking out of the way easily before Pete could hit him.

"Shut the fuck up Kaz," Pete snarled.

"Always so pleasant in the morning, Peter," Kaz said.

Pete reached for Kaz, but Kaz slipped away from his grasp with ease. He slipped the orange bottle back into his bag.

Angry drug addict and slippery little thief with a bad haircut. Totally belonged in this crowd, thanks mom and dad.

We made it to class and took our seats. I couldn't stop watching as Pete's mood shifted from eternal anger to fogged up friendliness.

"Hey, Rogan," Leo said as Rogan walked past. "Your brother hits almost as hard as you. I'm surprised a Blue has it in him."

Rogan grabbed Leo's chair and yanked it until Leo crashed to the ground. He groaned and rolled onto his back.

"This morning is turning into a nightmare," Leo moaned and pushed himself to his feet.

"Don't talk about my brother," Rogan hissed.

"Why not? He's a spoiled Blue who forgot about your sorry ass the second you put on that vest," Kaz said, leaning against Leo's desk.

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