Conversion Academy {11}

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I cracked my eyes open just a bit before snapping them shut and rolling over. It was finally the weekend, and I was ready to sleep for the rest of my life.

Leo and I had pulled the blinds, so the room was comfortably dark despite it creeping towards late morning. Leo was passed out on his bed, body sprawled over the mattress and sheets twisted around him.

I dug my face against my pillow, hoping that I'd get a break from Kaz's crew this weekend. My idea of a successful Saturday wasn't getting arrested.

After lying there with my eyes closed for a few minutes, I sighed, realizing that I wasn't falling back to sleep. I pushed myself up so that I was sitting and rubbed my eyes, kicking my covers off.

I crawled off of my bed and grabbed my shower things, slipping out of the room, careful not to wake Leo. I padded my way down to the bathroom and showered quickly, pulling on boxers and shorts before leaving the little stall to brush my teeth.

Siggy was standing there with a toothbrush in hand, already dressed. It was the first time I'd seen him in anything other than his uniform, and he looked a lot less menacing in a T-shirt and jeans, hair pulled back into the tiny ponytail.

"Hit me if you want, but I have to know what the point is," I said, gesturing to his ponytail.

"It keeps it out of my face," he said, reaching up and pulling it free. His hair immediately assaulted his face, framing it and falling in his eyes.

"You could always just cut it," I said, beginning to brush my teeth.

"I could," he agreed, hooking his toothbrush in his mouth to free his hands. He pulled back the loose strands of hair into his little ponytail and tied it securely.

I looked at my own hair, pushing it back. I hated the idea of my hair getting long; I preferred it at a length that wasn't too short, but couldn't be considered long by any means.

Siggy finished brushing his teeth and left the bathroom without another word to me. As scary as he could look, I had a feeling he was more of will-only-speak-if-spoken-to kind of guy.

I finished brushing my teeth and left the bathroom, towel slung over my bare shoulder. I crept back into our room, but gave up being quiet when I realized that Leo was awake.

"Hey," he said to me, rubbing at his eyes as he checked his phone.

"Morning," I greeted, putting my stuff away and pulling on a shirt.

"So, are your parents going to call you today? Because Saturdays are classic days for parents to call and pretend they give a shit that they dropped you here," Leo said. "They'll ask you how your week was and what you're learning and all that shit."

"Uh..." I shrugged. "I'm not sure."

My parents had yet to call me. Just the occasional text message from my mom. But I guess it would make sense that she'd call me today and try to pretend like everything was normal.

"Don't ever let it fool you," Leo said, jumping off of his bed. "Your parents ditched you here. Giving you a call once a week doesn't make it any better."

He grabbed his shower things and left the room. I grabbed my phone and tucked it in my pocket because, as pathetic as I was, I actually missed my parents. I knew that they had fucked me over and that our relationship was strained right now. But before they knew men gave me wet dreams, they had been good parents.

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