Chapter 1 - The Dragon Shooter 1

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A/N: Hey guys this is my first fan fiction and I hope that you'll like it :).

Hiccup's POV (8 years old)
It was a sunny afternoon when I had finally finished my new invention. I called it the 'Dragon Shooter 1'. If I pulled a handle, a bola would shoot at the dragon I aimed at. Since I was pretty small and couldn't lift any dragon killing weapons I hoped that the Dragon Shooter 1 would help me achieve my goal. Killing a dragon. I know that I was only eight years old and no other kid had ever killed a dragon either, but I really wanted to make everyone, especially my father, see that I wasn't useless. 'Cause that was my nickname. Hiccup the Useless. Or Fishbone. Or Toothpick. Ever since I had started to work at the forge people had called me even more useless because my crazy inventions always went wrong. As I was saying I had just finished the Dragon Shooter 1 and I wanted to test it. So I went outside the forge and pulled the handle. Then something happened that I didn't expect. The string of the crossbow-like structure snapped and the wooden support collapsed, which made the bola fly straight into the air and crash into the forge. The ropes of the bola caught fire and Gobber, the black smith, quickly grabbed the emergency water bucket putting the fire out. I was glad that no one saw my failure but then I noticed a group of kids laughing at me. Oh no. Tuffnut was literally rolling over the floor and Snotlout was crying tears of joy.
'That was the most EPIC way I've ever seen anyone fail!', my cousin Snotlout Jorgenson cried out holding his stomach because he was laughing so hard. I felt tears coming in my eyes and I ran towards the forest, wanting nothing but to be alone.

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