Chapter 2 - Toothless

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A/N: Hey guys! I just want to mention that Toothless does NOT lose his tail. Just to avoid misunderstandings :).

Hiccup's POV
I ran into the forest nonstop for about half an hour. When I came to a clearing I halted an leaned against a tree. I sank to the ground and cried, wishing that they would stop making fun of me. But I knew that that was never going to happen unless I killed a dragon and showed everyone what I was capable of. But I also knew that I wasn't capable of killing a dragon. I was a useless fishbone and everybody wanted the chief's son to be a great warrior. Instead he got a little runt who had never ever done anything right in his life.

I spent the rest of the day in the forest. Walking, drawing, crying, thinking, when I heard screams and explosions from the village. I saw dragons attacking Berk like in any other raid. I decided to stay in the forest so I wouldn't get told off by anybody. I started to draw some of the dragons flying around and blasting the houses. Then I heard the sound of the dragon that everybody feared. The Night Fury. That dragon never stole food, never showed itself and never missed. It shot a purple plasma blast at one of the catapults and flew off again. I wished that I could make a drawing of a Night Fury. They were the most awesome dragons in existence. Suddenly I heard the Night Fury roar and it fell from the sky landing in the clearing I was sitting. I jumped up and hid behind one of the trees. I carefully looked at the dragon seeing it was tangled in a bola. Maybe this was my chance to show everyone that I was able to kill a dragon. I took out my dagger and slowly closed in on the Night Fury. I looked in its eyes and it looked back at me. But what I saw made me stop in my tracks. The dragon looked scared. I looked at him and I saw myself. Someone lonely and afraid. I dropped my dagger and came closer. The eyes of the Night Fury widened and the slits became bigger. That was no vicious beast but a scared and kind creature. I held my hand out to show that I didn't mean to harm him when I heard distant viking cries in the forest.
'Oh no. They're coming for the Night Fury', I mumbled and then I made my decision. I grabbed my dagger and cut off the ropes that were wrapped around the dragon. The Night Fury jumped me as soon as the ropes had loosened. When I thought that he'd bite off my head he started licking it instead.
'Eew! What? Eeeeww!', I said laughing. The dragon stopped at sat down in front off me with big puppy eyes. I smiled and the Night Fury made the cutest gummy smile I had ever seen.
'Toothless?', I said looking at the dragon.
'I could've sworn you had teeth', I said when the Night Fury suddenly opened his mouth and made some weird purple gas come out of it. I breathed it in and it was gone as fast as it had come.
'What was that?', I asked startled and Toothless started to make a noise that sounded like laughing. Yes, I decided to call him Toothless. I wanted to touch his nose but I wasn't sure how he would react. So I turned my head away and reached out my hand. First nothing happened but then I felt his nose touch my palm and I looked back at him. When I took my hand away his eyes were full of joy. I started scratching him under his chin as the viking cries come closer. I didn't know what to do when suddenly I got lifted up in the air and was now flying away from Berk in the paws of Toothless.

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