Chapter 10 - Stay Or Leave

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Hiccup's POV
I felt something wet on my face and I slowly opened my eyes when Toothless was licking my face.
'Hey bud', I said as Toothless continued licking me. 'I'm happy to see you too.' He then stepped on my stomach causing me to groan and sit upright.
'I-I'm in my house. You're in my house!', I said surprised. Then I saw Liv sleeping in a chair. Toothless saw my gaze and licked her in the face.
'Ugh! Toothless that's disgusting!', she said as she woke up. She saw me and overwhelmed me with a hug.
'You're OK, Hiccup! I thought you might never wake up!', she said and I could tell that she had been really worried.
'How long was I out?', I asked.
'Five days', she replied and ran out of my room to call my dad. Great. Just what I needed. My father came hurrying up the stairs and he then hugged me tight. When he released me I saw a small tear in his eye.
'I'm so sorry son for what happened to you', he said.
'I don't want you to think that I don't love you, son.' He hugged me again and I almost couldn't believe what he said. He wasn't mad. He was actually HAPPY to see me.
'You're not mad about the dragon thing?', I asked and I flapped my wings lightly.
'How could I be? You're my son, you saved Berk and stopped the war between the vikings and dragons.'
'How do you mean "I stopped the war"?', I asked him, not knowing what he meant.
'The people of Berk live in harmony with the dragons, Hiccup', Liv said.
'People are riding dragons, not killing them anymore.' I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I jumped up but felt something weird about my left leg. I looked down and saw a metal prosthetic attached just underneath my knee. My eyes widened and Toothless sniffed at my new leg.
'There was nothing we could do to save it, Hiccup. I'm sorry', Liv said and gave me a hug to calm me down. I tried to stand up and I put weight on my left leg but I collapsed and Liv caught me.
'Thanks', I mumbled and I slowly started to walk down the stairs with Liv and my dad supporting me. We stepped outside and saw dragons all around us. A group of teens I immediately recognised flew past my house. Snotlout was riding a Monstrous Nightmare, the twins were riding a Zippleback, Fishlegs was riding a Gronckle and Astrid was riding a Deadly Nadder. When people saw me they came running towards me and cheered and clapped their hands. The teens landed and got off their dragons and joined the applause. I felt a smile appear on my face.
'I have an important question, Hiccup', Liv whispered in my ear in Dragonese. 'Are we going or staying?'I had been afraid that I had to make this decision since I had woken up.
'I don't know. I'll stay for today, that's for sure. We'll talk about it later', I whispered back. My dad patted me on my shoulder and started cheering and telling everyone how proud he was. Then Toothless came jumping over the crowd and licking my face. Again. I chuckled and stroke his head.
'Thanks for the save', I said and he purred. Liv made a big fire ball, formed it into a Night Fury and let it rise into the air.  She then made it explode into thousands of little sparkles. Everybody gaped at the spectacle and Liv quickly pulled me into the house.
'What?', I asked her.
'I have an idea. How about we take some of those friends of yours to our island and show them around? Maybe then they know how much work we put into it and then we could live both at Berk AND on our island.' I thought about it and agreed. With that we burst outside together to face a new adventure.

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