Chapter Two

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*Jim's POV*

I'll have to admit it, I'm worried about the little guy.

When we got back to the house I put him in the downstairs guest bedroom and as the day progressed into night he grew steadily worse.

I suppressed a yawn and poured myself another coffee. I was up all night with him, again I'm no doctor so there wasn't much I could do, but I periodically changed the cool cloth on his forehead and kept the wound clean at least.

His fever has receded and he seems to be in a more relaxed sleep then before. I'm glad I brought him home yesterday, at this time of year the nights are freezing and he never would have survived outside.

I was pulled from my thoughts by someone pounding on the door.

"Police! Open up!"

I froze. Shit.

I can't just ignore them, if they want to come in they will, even if it means kicking my door in.

I walked to the door and opened it to the two officers with the cheeriest smile I could muster.

"Good morning officers, how can I help you?"

They looked a little taken aback by my friendliness, they're not exactly liked by most people.

However I lost the smile when I saw what they were holding - a long, strong looking chain.

I recalled again what would happen to the alien if he was caught and felt a surge of protectiveness for him rise. I can't let them take the little guy, he hasn't done anything!

"We, umm" the first officer glanced at the second one who stepped forwards confidently.

"This morning we detected a small alien vessel crashed on your farm. The vessel is currently being removed but it was empty. I'm afraid we'll need to search your house"

I feigned a look of horror mixed with fear "An alien! Is it dangerous?!?" Now the officers looked a bit more relaxed and the first one smiled apologetically while the other looked bored.

"More likely then not. Now we're not accusing you of anything, but we do need to check that it hasn't sheltered here"

Crap, crap, crap. What do I do now?

"There's a massive forest only a couple of miles north of here, could it have gone there?" I asked while praying to anyone who might be listening that they don't notice me stalling.

"That's our next stop, but I must insist that we search the house. We don't know anything about it, it could be tiny and hiding. Our biggest worry is if it attacks you, I'm afraid you might be in danger." The second officers tone was apologetic but firm. He wasn't asking anymore.

"Okay" I reluctantly stood aside and they cautiously came in with phasers at the ready.

I followed them as they searched the kitchen and living room thoroughly before coming to a stop outside the guest bedroom.

I tensed as one put a hand on the doorknob. I can't let then take him, but what can I do about it?

The door swung open and they sprung forward with me on their heels.They briefly looked around before leaving the room and heading up the stairs.

I looked around in shock. The bed was made and there was absolutely no trace of the alien.

Had I imagine it? A pretty odd thing to imagine, besides, the fact that there are people searching for him is proof enough that he was here.

"It's okay sir, it's not here" the first officer informed me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry about the search, protocol you understand. Don't worry though, we will find it and deal with it" The second officer said coldly and the other one grinned in amusement.

I felt sick, how can they enjoy what they do to these people? It's cruel, and wrong. I can't believe I was actually going to turn him in.

My hatred for them grew as more repressed memories from the past came back - people screaming, fire, Sam.

The officers left shortly, I locked the door behind them and went back into the guest bedroom.

Where could he have gone?

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