Chapter Eleven

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*Jim's POV*

I woke up sprawled across Spock's chest. It is very comfortable. I think I'm just gonna stay here a while.

"Jim?" he inquired softly. Damn, he knows I'm awake.

I looked up and met his dark eyes in question. His gaze was achingly tender and I couldn't stop myself shivering under it.

He looked concerned and touched my shoulder gently. "Are you cold Ashayam?" He inquired, rubbing my arm carefully.

I shook my head and he kissed the tip of my nose, looking satisfied. "I must get up now, you require substance. You may continue sleeping while I prepare breakfast for us."

"I do not require substance" I yawned "I require that you stay here with me for a little longer." Of course my stomach immediately discredited my words by rumbling loudly.

The corners of Spock's mouth lifted up in amusement "You require substance" he repeated before a fully fledged smile appeared on his face, taking my breath away. "There will be plenty of time for cuddling later, do not forget, we have the rest of our lives for that."

My stomach flipped and the butterflies danced with joy inside me. "I'm going to hold you to that mister" my smile matched his and he pulled me closer.

"I count on it" he whispered in my ear before smoothly flipping us. "Sleep" he commanded, getting off of me and leaving the room.

I groaned and let my head hit the bed, "damn him and his Vulcan strength" I grumbled to myself. A chuckle from the direction of the stairs told me that he heard it. And his Vulcan ears I continued grumbling in my head.

I decided now was as good of a time to shower as any, I'm not going to be able to sleep now that my comfy cushion left me.


I rubbed my wet hair with a dry towel as I made my way downstairs and was met with a very..... Pleasing sight.

Spock was bending over a drawer looking for something and my jeans were a little too tight on him.

Make that a lot too tight on him.

I whistled in appreciation and he spun around with a glare. "Is that really necessary?" he asked me with a hint of embarrassment when I sighed in disappointment.

"Hey, I'm your future bond mate - thingy, if that doesn't give me an excuse to check you out I don't know what does."

Some of his embarrassment faded and his face lit up at the mention of us bonding.

"Well, when you put it that way. You may continue." He turned around again and I almost choked on the water I had taken a gulp of.

"Stop making me blush!" I joked and whacked his arm playfully. "What were you looking for anyway?" I added and he frowned.

"I can't find the pan" he explained, opening another drawer to search.

I held in a laugh, oh he couldn't have opened that joke for me any better. "Right here Spock" I pointed to myself and he looked confused. "I don't understand, you don't have the pan."

I burst out laughing. "Me. I'm the pan Spock." Spock looked like he was seriously considering my mental stability.

"Get it Spock? I'm a pan, because I'm pansexu- Never mind" I realised he wouldn't get it. "It was a joke, I forgot you wouldn't get it. The pan is second to the top on your left."

Spock retrieved the pan, still looking vaguely confused.

He started cooking and I came up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head in his shoulder.

"What are we going to do once we get the ship?" I asked and he paused thoughtfully.

"We will take it to the nearest federation space station, from there we should be able to find a ship going to Vulcan" he told me and we sat down to eat.

I paused "What's the Federation?" I don't think I have heard that term before.

"The Federation?" Spock sounded surprised, "Well, the United Federation of Planets is one of the most powerful interstellar states in known space. There are currently over 150 formal member worlds, all of which joined willingly unlike some of our imperial rivals who consist of one race ruling over other races, the main ones being the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. The Federation is diplomatic and based around science, exploration and peace. It was founded by the Andorians, the Tellarites, the Vulcans and, well, Humans."

He paused slightly for me to digest this and I quickly nodded for him to continue.

"The Federation is located in the Alpha Quadrant and our capital used to be Earth, the current capital is Vulcan although it changed regularly now. There is a federation council made up of representatives from the various member worlds, they have to power to create and amend Federation laws-"

He must have noticed my blank look because he cut himself off and shook his head. "It doesn't matter, you will be informed of everything once we reach Vulcan."

I nodded and stood up, opening my arms invitingly for him.

He came over and hugged me with a confused expression. "Hey, you promised me cuddles" I reminded him and he chuckled quietly.

"Yes I did Ashaya"

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