Chapter Ten

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Hey guys! So, Crash Landing is almost finished - I know, it's short - after this chapter there will be two more chapters and an epilogue

Pain, loneliness, grey, colours, purpose, love, Spock - Love.

Dammit, I told him that I loved him. Like, the day after we got into a relationship.

"I probably shouldn't have said that last bit" I laughed awkwardly and tried to move away but Spock placed his hands firmly on my waist to prevent me moving.

"Was it false?" he demanded softly and I decided the truth is probably the best option if we are really going to be together. "It's true, but I understand that it's way too early in the relationship for that kind of stuff." I sighed and tried to look away but his eyes refused to release me.

"Vulcans do not engage in casual relationships" he informed me with so much raw emotion in his voice that I had to stop myself cringing at the intensity. "I am aware that humans have different ways to Vulcans, especially regarding relationships. However, when I asked you to come back to Vulcan with me, I did it with the full intention of one day requesting that you become my bond mate.

I planned to wait at least a few months for you to adjust to the relationship, to me, but I am going to ask you now. Will you be my bond mate? My other half? The one I spend the rest of my life with? I ask this of you so soon because I am very much in love with you Jim, and I can not tolerate you not knowing my intentions - that is, if you agree to continue. I do not however want to pressure you into anything - so you may choose not to answer yet. I will not be angry, nor could I possibly be discouraged from pursuing you"

Again, there wasn't a choice to be made in the matter.

"God, yes Spock. I'll be your bond mate." I choked up a little and my voice was rough - but Spock looked at me as if I had just uttered the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.

He wasted no more time in pulling me closer and he hummed in satisfaction when I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.

"Hey Spock" my voice was muffled but he made a small noise to indicate that he could hear me. "We have a ship but it will be several days at least before we can depart earth. There is little planning left to do, any suggestions on how to pass the time?" I made my tone and my words as suggestive as possible and he let out a little laugh, partly in amusement and partly in disbelief.

He somehow managed to pull me even closer, using one arm to hold me against him and running his other hand up and down my side slowly.

I started pressing soft kisses around the sensitive spot where his neck meets his shoulder and he groaned softly in response.

I smirked and he turned his head, attacking my lips with his own desperately.

I sunk into the kiss, parting my lips and tracing his bottom lip with my tongue, asking for him to let me in.

Either he didn't understand what I wanted, or he was purposely preventing me from getting what I desired.

I'm gonna go with he doesn't understand.

I reached my left hand up to touch his pointy ear, something I haven't had the chance to try yet.

It was obviously a sensitive part of him, the second my warm hand came into contact with it the most perfect sound that I have ever heard escaped Spock's closed lips.

Smirking in delight at the thought of finding one of Spock's weaknesses I traced it all the way up to the pointed tip and Spock let out a gasp of pleasure as I tugged on it gently.

I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth, exploring and tasting him thoroughly.

He let out a groan and backed me into the wall, completely taking control of the kiss.

His movements were inexperienced but sure, he seemed to get the hang of stuff pretty quickly.

I slowly slid my hands down his sides and rested them at his waist briefly before sliding them around to play with the buttons of his jeans.

Spock froze against me, disconnecting our lips and looking over my shoulder, his eyes dark with lust.

I froze with him, I don't understand what I did wrong, maybe he's just not ready to go that far yet.

"I, we" he seemed at loss for words and some of the lust faded as his face coloured.

"It is customary to wait until after the bonding is completed before...." he trailed off but I understood what he meant.

"Okay Spock" I touched his cheek gently and he looked relieved that I was unconcerned. Sure, I would love to.... You know, but if Spock's tradition says wait, then we will wait.

He leaned in to capture my lips again, softer and more loving this time and I sighed happily, I could get very used this.

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