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Hey guys! So, this is the epilogue. Except its not really an epilogue, it's pretty much just a normal chapter, it's kind of like a bridge between this fic and the sequel, Revolution, which will pick up pretty much where this ends.

Thank you all so much for your support, I love you guys and your comments really do make my day.

Well, enjoy!

*Jim's POV*

"It's time to wake up Jim"

Spock's voice jolted me out of my light doze and I looked up at the screen showing the stars outside of our ship.

I felt my jaw dropping as I gazed out at at my first glimpse of a space station.

It looked massive to me but Spock had said earlier that this station was very small compared to the average space station, because this close to earth there weren't a lot of ships passing.

Spock flicked a communication channel on and requested permission to enter, which was granted immediately.

A hanger door slowly opened and Spock carefully steered the little vessel into the space.

We were met by a young female that Spock told me was an Orion in a hushed whisper as we left the ship.

Her skin was a beautiful shade of green and her blonde hair seemed to glow softly in the dim lighting. Her sparkling blue eyes briefly looked Spock over before they fixed on me, looking me up and down.

Her perfect red lips stretched into a breathtaking smile and I felt my knees going weak.

She was incredibly beautiful and I tried to stop myself staring, embarrassingly aware of Spock next to me, clenching his fists in anger.

"Where are you headed?" she asked in a low purr and I shook myself slightly. I'm standing right next to my boyfriend, struggling not to drool over a complete stranger.

What is wrong with me?

"My mate and I are heading to Vulcan. Our ship won't make it" Spock's voice was like ice and he put an emphasis on the word mate, causing the Orion's head to snap over to him.

I felt the weird feeling that was making me want to throw myself at her vanish and I looked over to Spock, horrified about what I had been thinking about.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise" she apologised, bowing her head slightly to him in an almost submissive gesture.

"There is a ship delivering goods to Vulcan, they can take you - they will leave in a few hours. I will inform the Captain" she told us and turned away.

Spock followed her to the exit and I trailed behind him, feeling slightly sick. Spock knew exactly what I was thinking, I could see it in his face.

She went in one direction and Spock motioned to a small cluster of shops and cafes in the opposite direction.

"Come" he growled, sounding completely furious and already beginning to walk away.

I hurried to keep up with him, embarrassed to feel my eyes watering slightly.

Would Spock not want me anymore now that he has seen how easily I am distracted?

The worst part is she wasn't even that attractive! Like sure, she was hot - but to me she had nothing on Spock.

Spock was my definition of perfect - his mind and his body - but I still lusted over her - when I first saw her at least.

We walked into a cafe and Spock motioned for me to sit at the corner table - away from all the other customers - while he ordered.

I slid into a seat and played with my hands, not wanting to look but unable to stop looking at Spock's stormy face.

He briefly talked to the person at the counter before coming over and sitting opposite me.

He folded his hands on the table and frowned down at them in thought.

"Spock, I'm so sorry" I whispered, my voice wobbling as I fought to keep the tears in.

He quickly looked up in alarm at my tone and his eyes switched from pissed to worried in an instant.

"Why are you sorry? What is wrong?" he asked in concern, leaning towards me and touching my shaking hands gently.

I pulled away and sat back. "T-That girl.... I-I'm really sorry - I don't k-know what I was thinking" I stuttered out and his gaze softened even more.

"Oh Jim, that wasn't your fault" he soothed and tried to touch my hands again, frowning when I pulled away for the second time.

"I apologise, I should have explained immediately. She was an Orion, they act like sirens - they seduce people. You were actually quiet resistant to her advances. By the amount off pheromones she was sending you, most males would be on their knees begging for her." He explained, sounding almost proud and I flinched slightly.

"I wanted to" I whispered in defeat and he started glaring at the wall behind me again.

"I know. I honestly wanted to tear her apart. She had no right - You are mine" he growled the last part and I flinched again at his violent words.

This is a whole new side of Spock, one that I have never seen before. I don't think I like it very much.

He glanced back at me and sighed. "I am alarming you" he sounded sad and looked down at the table again. "I assure you, that is not my intention".

He sighed again and I relaxed, holding my hand out for a kiss. He accepted with one of his half-smiles before intertwining our fingers.

Someone brought us some coffee and we drank it mostly in silence as we waited for the ship to be ready.

An hour or two passed and Spock glanced around the now empty cafe briefly before lifting my hand and brushing his lips against my knuckles.

"Shall we depart?" he asked softly and I nodded, colouring slightly at his action.

We stood up and Spock held my hand tightly until we reached the door. He dropped it once we were in sight of other people and I let out a soft breath of disappointment.

The corners of his lips lifted slightly in response. "Soon, when we are alone" he promised me and I grinned.

"I'm holding you to that" I chuckled.

"I count on it"

So that concludes Crash Landing! I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it, if you did like it, remember to check out the sequel, Revolution!

Goodbye for now my friends :)

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