Chapter Six

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*Jims POV*

I ran upstairs and grabbed the warmest jumper I own before sprinting back down the stairs and skidding to a stop outside Spock's room.

I walked in and immediately began panicking even more then before, Spock had started getting under the covers but gave up and is now lying half covered, pale and shaking.

"Hey, it's alright" I soothed and helped him put the jumper on before pulling the covers up around him snugly.

"Jim" he said weakly "I'm sorry, I thought I would be alright" I shook my head slightly. "It's okay Spock, you didn't know" I comforted him.

He sighed and turned his head onto the side, putting it on his shoulder and breathing in deeply with his face pressed against the material of my jumper.

"Thank you" he whispered and slipped into an uneasy slumber only seconds later.

I sat with him for a few hours, just watching him sleep. Not in a creepy way, I'm just afraid if I leave he'll stop breathing or something.

I did take the chance to quickly wash and re-bandage his wound - if he was awake he would never allow me to do it, he would insist on doing it himself.

I did have some house work that needed doing though, so after a few hours I reluctantly left the room to tidy the place up a bit.

I was only working for an hour or so when Spock woke up again.
"Jim?" His voice was shaky and he sounded terrified. I quickly dropped what I was doing and ran into the room to see what was wrong.

Spock was squirming around, trying desperately to get up. "Jim?!?" he called again, clearly not seeing me enter the room.

"Shh, I'm here. What's wrong?" when he heard my voice Spock instantly relaxed.

"Sorry. I didn't know where you were, I thought you had gone" his voice was clear enough but his eyes kept slipping in and out of focus, I don't know how aware he is of his surroundings.

"I was just in the other room" I told him gently, sitting on the bed next to him.

He turned his head to me and his eyes focused on my face. He reached a shaking hand out and I met his fingers with my own.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to freak out" he muttered, keeping his long fingers against mine for longer then normal before letting them drop.

"It's alright, I promise I won't leave" I assured him and he looked briefly relieved before falling asleep again.


After that Spock slept like the dead for two days straight. I changed the bandage every few hours and slowly but surely the infection got better until it was eventually completely gone.

I was reading a book when I heard a door open and Spock emerged, looking much better then I would have thought possible considering how unwell he got.

I stood and quickly moved to stand in front of him, just incase he falls over or something - he's still awfully pale.

"Are you feeling better?" I worried and he almost smiled. "Much better thank you".

"Good. Wouldn't want you dying on me now" I joked and extended my hand to him with a grin.

Now he really did smile, just a small upturn of his lips as he briefly brushed our fingers together, but it was a smile all the same.

"Are you hungry?" I checked - he hasn't eaten for almost three days and he nodded, the faint smile still on his face.

We made sandwiches and after eating we sat and started a comfortable conversation - I'll admit I missed having someone to talk to while Spock was sick.

We ended up talking about earths fucked system, which Spock seemed very interested in.

"Has anyone ever tried to do anything about it?" He asked after I told him that heaps of people hate how other races are treated, and the council in general.

"People are afraid" I hesitated, this was heading towards dangerous waters now. "There are some groups of rebels, but when people are caught they are used to send a message. It's not pretty but it's very effective at stopping people from acting out against the Council."

Spock looked as if something had just occurred to him and asked hesitantly, "Are you part of a rebel group?" Ah, there it is.

"I was" I admitted "I really don't like talking about it though." Spock wasn't satisfied with this.

"What happened?" I sighed, might as well get it over with. "It was a few years ago now - I was only 15 at the time. We were sabotaging one of the prisons, it was the hardest and most dangerous thing we had done - before that it was all small stuff but we got cocky. I still don't know what went wrong but it didn't work out. Every group has a leader and my brother Sam was ours. Sam was caught but everyone else got away, he refused to betray the rest of us and died during the interrogation. I haven't seen any of the others since."

He was silent for a while, absorbing everything he had just learnt. "I'm sorry about your brother" he said softly and I waved it off.

"It was a long time ago and we all knew the risks" but I felt a hollow ache inside. For years I have blocked the memories from my mind, and now there all coming back to me.

The screaming, the fire, Sam's voice urging us to run......

I faked a yawn and stood up with a force smile. "Hey I'm pretty tired, do you mind if I go have a nap? You should rest too, I don't want you getting sick again" I started heading up the stairs as Spock muttered a quiet "okay".

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