Chapter Five

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Fun fact about this fic - when I originally had the idea I was going to make it a one-shot, then I was thinking it would be a bit long so I was going to make a short story with maybe 4 - 6 chapters. Now its going to be at least twice that, and I'm already planning a sequel :).

*Jims POV*

A few more days passed and Spock and I quickly settled into an easy routine.

We played quite a bit of chess, I always beat my friends previously so it's nice to have someone who can really challenge me for a change. Even if he did win more often then not, the games are usually pretty close.

I told him all about earth, the Council and my friends mostly - along with some of our history. In return he told me about Vulcan and the stories from what life was like when Vulcans and humans were allies.

Spock was usually careful to keep any emotion off of his face, but when he talked about Vulcan I got a sense of sadness from him and knew he was missing home.

The only other time he really showed any emotion was when we would touch our fingers together in the weird Vulcan gesture.

Spock still hasn't explained what it means, and I haven't asked. It was something that made me feel ridiculously happy and I don't want to ask and have him stop doing it for any reason.

Not that I particularly think he would stop, I'm pretty sure he enjoys it just as much as I do, he loses all the stiffness that he usually carries himself with and his face completely softens.

Unfortunately it seems to be a once-a- day kind of thing, and is always very brief. Ah well, I'll take what I can get.

I yawned and dragged myself out of bed, I don't want Spock to be waiting for me to get up or anything.

I went downstairs and, sure enough, Spock was already up and just putting breakfast on the table.

"Good morning Jim" he greeted me as I came over to him.

"Wow, thanks Spock" I was surprised and tried to be happy, but at the rate he is recovering he'll probably start looking for a way to get home soon.

And then I'll be alone again.

"Jim?" my face must have dropped a bit because he suddenly looked concerned. "Have I done something wrong?" He pressed.

I mustered up my smile again. "No, thank you Spock, it's perfect". He looked a bit relieved but still looked around to make sure he had done everything right.

"No Spock, really, I just had something else on my mind - thank you" I assured him, reaching my hand out.

He looked down at it in shock and I realised with a start that this is the first time I have made the first move, normally he initiates it.

I suddenly felt very self conscious, was it weird that I started it?

I started withdrawing my hand in embarrassment but his eyes widened and he quickly reached out to touch my fingers.

I stayed still and his eyes rose from our hands to meet my eyes.

Unlike all the other times Spock didn't withdraw immediately, he let the moment draw out and I was too lost in his eyes to do anything.

After a few more seconds though I realised it could be something like if you start it you end it, so I let my hand drop with a bit of regret.

"It looks great Spock, shall we eat?" I asked while trying to hide my confusion at his reaction.

Unlike all the other times when he looked slightly wistful after, he looked confused and hopeful, like something had occurred to him but he wasn't sure about it.

He nodded and we sat down to eat without another word. This would have to be the most awkward silence we have had since Spock got here.

Although that wasn't hard considering most of our silences are pretty comfortable.

When we stood to clean up I noticed something else, Spock was shivering and looking paler then usual.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked in concern and he shrugged, frowning slightly.

"I am a little cold" he admitted, which didn't quite sit right with me. It is winter - a particularly harsh one at that - but it is a very similar temperature, if not a little warmer then it had been his whole stay here - Yet he has never mentioned being cold before.

Something occurred to me and I moved a bit closer to him. "Your wound, let me see it" I demanded and he winced slightly but lifted his shirt obediently.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and sent off a silent prayer to anyone who might be listening before reopening them.

It was obviously infected. It had healed over a bit but the skin around the edges was puffy and the whole thing was a dark shade green.

I didn't need to touch it to know that it would be burning hot, but I did anyway.

I very lightly trailed my fingers over it for a second but he quickly moved away and let his shirt drop.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I demanded and he look both embarrassed and slightly defensive.

"I didn't want you to worry, besides, you've done enough. Its not your problem"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Dammit Spock, it is my problem! I care, alright? Now get your ass back to bed and let me take care of you!"

Spock looked surprised but also touched. "Okay" he gave in quietly and allowed me to usher him back into bed without another word.

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