Chapter Twelve

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*Jim's POV*

I lay across the couch and sighed in boredom. I have absolutely nothing to do.

Spock said something about meditation and showering and disappeared almost an hour ago.

My communicator buzzed and I picked it up lazily to view the message.

Ships fixed, I have a plan to get you out of the atmosphere without anyone noticing. I'll see you when you get here.

"SPOCK!" I yelled, already typing back a response.

You're a genius Scotty! We'll see you soon!

"What is wrong?" Spock ran down the stairs and grabbed me protectively, looking around for danger.

"Sorry Spock, nothing's wrong" he relaxed and I grinned. "The ships ready, we're leaving tonight"

Spocks jaw dropped and he looked shocked for a minute before grabbing me and spinning me around with a shout of joy.

I laughed at his response and he put me down, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Shall I pack a bag?" I asked and he nodded. "I shall assist you" he offered and we went upstairs.

I grabbed a backpack and began throwing some stuff into it. Spock picked up another bag and neatly packed some more things.

I mostly just got clothes, I don't have a lot of personal things - a picture of my family just before Sam died, one of Mum and Dad before I was born and one of my friends (again, before Sam died).

It only took us about 20 minutes before we were ready. I took my time going into each room, knowing that I will never come back here.

After I had finally said goodbye to the house I grew up in I handed Spock one of my old beanies, just incase someone sees us, and we jumped into my car.


The drive to Scotty's was a long one - Spock and I spent the trip talking about space and holding hands - and it was dark when we finally arrived.

The front door was unlocked so we walked in - scaring the shit out of Scotty who looked up guiltily when we entered.

"I swear, It wasn't me! I'm not gonna do anything with it- Jim?"

I chuckled and we hugged briefly - I didn't need to turn around to see Spock glaring daggers at the back of my head.

"This your friend?" Scotty nodded to Spock, who raised an eyebrow and clearly made an effort to make his face neutral.

"Spock" he said said in greeting and Scotty looked him up and down briefly.

"Well, Spock. What are you?" He asked. The tension between the two was clear and, knowing Spock was causing most of it, I stepped towards him, touching his fingers comfortingly.

"I am a Vulcan" he said, looking and sounding more relaxed now that I am closer to him then Scotty. Possessive bastard.

"Well laddie, wanna come look at your ship?" Scotty immediately became more cheerful as he turned back to me and I nodded enthusiastically.

"She's not perfect, and she probably won't get you far but she'll get you off the ground alright"

I was a little doubtful looking at the little rusty thing, it was a similar size to Spock's original ship but looked it like it might collapse any moment.

"Is it safe?" I question dubiously, poking it slightly. Scotty looked personally offended "Of course she's safe! Now, the plan I mentioned earlier will be in affect in about" he consulted his watch quickly "20 minutes, so I'll show you how to work her"

The space inside was small, but I was surprised at how advanced the technology appears, it's certainly not junk from this angle.

Spock and Scotty started discussing the technical stuff and I wanted to laugh at how quickly the two warmed up to each other - over engines.

We just covered the basics before our 20 minutes was up and Scotty gave me another hug before he left. "I'm going to miss you laddie, be safe, and if you're ever on earth again, you know where to come."

"Thanks Scotty, for everything" I choked out, and then he was gone and Spock was powering the ship up.

"Are you ready Ashayam?" he asked softly, reaching out to cup my face gently.

I pressed our lips together for a second before sitting in my chair and buckling up.

"Lets go" I breathed and the engine rumbled to life as he flicked some switches.

We waited with baited breath for our signal and boy was it a good plan. Who would notice our ship taking off when Scotty had place dozens of fireworks around us?

I let out a joy filled laugh as we took off, surrounded by flashes of red, gold, blue and silver.

Spock grinned over at me and the whole ship shuddered as we left the atmosphere, but luckily stayed in one piece.

I reached across and grabbed Spocks hand as we shot through the vastness of space.

Together, into the unknown.

I didn't look back.

Well, that's Crash Landing finished. Wow, I hate ending stories, but this one isn't too bad because there is a sequel, so it doesn't actually feel like its ending. Which is awesome.

So anyway, the epilogue will be out soon and I hope you liked this story.

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