into the trash

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*stefs pov*

i came home and saw that lena was relaxing on the couch, since it was saturday afternoon. the twins were out for the day, brandon was with courtney, jude and callie were in their rooms and riley was sitting outside.

"hey honey, how'd it go?" lena said as i came into the living room.

"good, it went good. i got her medication!" i said as i leaned in for a kiss.

"that's good, she's sitting outside if you want to talk to her." lena said as she kissed me back.

"oh ill let her come to me." i said with a laugh.

lena laughed back.

i went to sit down next to lena and snuggled with her.

riley came into the house a few minutes later.

"did you get my snake?" she said with excitement.

lena looked at me.

"listen honey, your mom really wants you to come home." i said.

"well i don't really care what she thinks, or frequently i don't really care what anything thinks. and you said i could stay here, if you don't want me to, i will happily leave and go live on the street."

"of course you are welcome here!" lena said.

"i spoke to your mom and she gave me your medication, so you can be taking it for the time being."

"well im not taking my medication until you let me have my snake."

"you won't be able to have your snake, until you go back home. now here's your medication."

she took the medication from me.

"well since you're not letting me see my pet, i will simply throw away these stupid pills."

she started walking towards the trash.

"rosanne!" i shouted.

lena looked at me concerned.

she threw them in trash, walked out the front door and slammed it, and sat on the porch swing.

"what is going on here stef?" lena said confused.

"she needs to take her medication, honey. if she wants to stay, im sorry but she needs to follow the rules."

"you don't think you were being a little too harsh?" she said.

jude heard the door slams and came downstairs.

"is everything okay?" he asked.

"yes honey everything is fine." lena said.

"were fine sweetie." i said with a smile.

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