the talk

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*riley's pov*

i woke up the next morning and it was around 8:30. it was saturday morning. everyone was going to the table for breakfast and i wasn't sure if i was supposed too as well. i smelt bacon though, and i really hope i could have some. my family hasn't cooked bacon in so long.

i started to fidget my hands. its what i do when i get nervous and anxiety kicks in.

i heard someone walking into the living room.

it was stef.

"we have breakfast cooking, if you want some!" she said with a smile.

"ah, yeah sure, id love some." i said back, still talking very quietly.

we both walked into the kitchen. all the kids and lena looked at us.

i sat down at an empty seat. it was next to jude. he looked at me kinda weirdly.

i remember callie talking about him.

i noticed that she wasn't sitting at the table.

"where's your other kid, callie right?" i asked.

"she needed to be somewhere early this morning." lena replied back.

i know she was avoiding me.

"so what's your name, how old are you, are you going to be our new foster sister?" said mariana.

"yeah i still don't you know your name!" said lena with a laugh.

"ah im riley and im 16 and ah, um -

i swallowed my throat.

i never finished my sentence.

"well it's nice to meet you riley!" said mariana.

i did a slight smile.

breakfast was done and everyone just had there own conversations about their lives and plans for the day. the bacon was delicious by the way.

"can i take that for you?" brandon asked with a smile."

"ah yeah sure!"

"riley hun, we need to talk you now, could you meet us in the living room?" stef said.

brandon looked over at me and then stef and lena.

"sure" i said really quietly again.

brandon left the kitchen after putting the plates in the sink. jude was already upstairs and i had know idea where the other two went.

i started walking to the living room. after pouring a cup of coffee lena and stef followed me in and sat down.

"can you tell us a little about yourself please?" said lena.

i started to fidget my hands.

i swallowed my throat.

there was silence.

"whenever you're ready -

i took a deep breath.

there's nothing to be nervous about" said stef.

"well my name is riley but i guess you already know that. im 16. i um didn't run away. well i did, but it was more of moving out on my own. my parents know what's going so on so no it's not illegal or anything that im here. my home is actually a foster home and were fostering a girl now, she's 15. but my brother hasn't always been the nicest person and my family isn't all that supportive either and i just couldn't deal with it anymore. i struggle with um anxiety and depression, and it's so hard. i also -

"wait you said your home is a foster home? is that how you and callie know eachother?" said stef.

"i never said i knew callie" i snapped back.

"you knew her name before we said it, have you met her somewhere else?"

"no i didn't! you're actually the one that said it!" i snapped again.

"stef honey, it's okay" lena said.

"ah sorry i guess i forgot to mention i also struggle with bi-polar disorder. ive been off my meds for about a week now. so its been acting off."

"it's okay sweetie. are you planning on going back home?" lena said.

"no i um been planning on living on the street for now."

"riley you know you can't do that, you're only 16 for crying out loud. im a cop and im sorry but i can't let you do that. im sorry but either you go home or -

"or what" i snapped back again.

or you stay here with us until we figure things out" said stef.

lena gave her a stern look.

"honey" she said to stef.

"we may not have the room, but we will make it. we will make the room for now riley."

she looked at lena and nodded.

"yes we will, is there anything you need? should we stop at you house to pick your meds?" said lena.

"no! - i insisted.

i don't want to go back there right, especially if i know li- my brother is home. im sorry may i be excused, i need to get some water or something. is that okay?"

"ah yeah sure, make yourself at home!" lena said.

i quickly got up and walked into the kitchen.

a tear came out of my eye but i wiped it away.

my palms were all sweaty and i could still feel a heaviness in my stomach.

my anxiety was kicking in again.

i poured some water and sat down at the kitchen table.

jude walked in.

"you're riley olmstead aren't you? liam's little sister?" he said.

i swallowed my throat again.

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