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"liam?" i said again as i began to shake.

"ive missed you, roseanne!" he said.

"don't call me that, liam." i snapped back.

"sorry ri!"

i shot him a look.

"why'd you get that shirt, it looks nice on you!"

i started walking upstairs to my to get my stuff but he began to follow.

"riley, you need to answer me!" he said.

"i don't need to do anything liam! i am here to get some of my stuff so mind your own damn business!" I snapped back.

"when are you coming home, sis we all miss you, especially sarah!"

"well maybe you should ask yourself that question!"

i grabbed some t-shirts and a pair of jeans and threw them into a backpack.

i said hi to maze and apologized that he wasn't receiving attention anymore.

"i'll be home, soon" i promised him.

"ask myself what, riley?" liam asked as he appeared at the door and made me jump.

"you should know why i'm not here!"

"what because of the other night?" he asked confused.

"obviously liam!"

"listen, im sorry about the other night, really i am. i didn't mean to get physical with you, again! i was upset dad was yelling at you and i just don't know."

"exactly liam! you don't know!!" i said walking out of my room.

"riley wait!" he said as he grabbed my arm.

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN!" i screamed and broke lose.

i ran downstairs and started running up the street.

i didn't turn around once.

i made it to the park bench, and laid down and started crying.

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