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You're sitting in an airplane terminal, zoning out and listening to your favorite band, Bring Me The Horizon, on your phone. As you change to the next song, you see someone sit beside you that looks familiar. You steal a quick glance at him and confirm it. Holy shit. It's Oliver Sykes. Lead singer if BMTH. You internally freak and take out one of your headphones. "You look familiar, do I know you?" You ask him quietly. "I don't believe so. But you do now" he says with a wink. He holds out his hand to you "I'm Oli, and you are...?" You take his hand and shake it slowly. "Annalise,", "Annalise, beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He whispers in your ear, making you blush. Suddenly, 'Antivist' blares out of your headphones making you wince and pause your music. He laughs "So I'm guessing you did know who I was." "Uhh, y-yeah. S-sorry." You stutter while looking anywhere but Oli, embarrassed. "Hey, it's fine. You're going on the flight to L.A. right?" He asks. You nod. "See you on the plane." He smiles, before a lady comes on the intercom and says your flight is boarding. You get up and stretch, then grab your purse. You and Oli board the plane together, talking about his band. You realize that you're seated right next to each other, in first class. After the plane takes off, Oli asks a flight attendant for a blanket. He places it over you both and you look at him questioningly. He just smirks and lays his hand on your lower thigh inside the blanket. You shrug it off and go back to playing on your phone. After about five minutes, his hand starts lightly massaging your thigh and moving farther up it.You feel yourself getting hot down there and wiggle your hips a bit. You shoot him a look and hit his shoulder lightly but he has his eyes closed and headphones in. He takes the one on your side out and raises his eyebrows as if saying 'what? I'm not doing anything' You roll your eyes but take in a short breath when you feel him unbuttoning your jeans. "Oli!" You whisper, looking around to see if anyone heard you. Everyone else is asleep. He smirks as he pulls the zipper down, and you wiggle a bit, spreading your legs wider and pushing your jeans and underwear down enough to allow him access to where you want him. He finally brushes his fingers over your clit and you sigh quietly. He looks at you and puts a finger over his lips in a 'shh' motion and you nod. He runs his fingers over your soaking folds and pushes one finger in slowly. Oli presses his lips to your ear and whispers "So wet. For me?" You bite your lip and suppress a moan. He quickly adds another finger and goes faster while rubbing your clit, making being quiet much harder. He adds another and curls them, making you let out a tiny squeal of pleasure. He looks at you warningly before taking his fingers out of you and bringing them between your faces while you pout. "You made a mess just on the plane! Imagine what a mess you'll make when I actually make you cum." He whispers seductively in your ear before licking his fingers clean of you. You groan quietly while you grab his face and smash it into yours, letting out your sexual frustration out in the kiss. His tongue darts into your mouth and you can taste yourself on his tongue. Eventually you both have to pull away for air, and do so gasping for it. He rests his forehead on yours and says "I'm going to need your number." before the captain comes on the intercom and says "We will be landing in Los Angeles in ten minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts." You giggle excitedly and you both exchange numbers. As you walk out of the airport into the California sun with Oli, you say your goodbyes and hug before heading your separate ways. You decide to text him "We'll have to meet up so I can pay you back ;)" He texts back quickly, "Can't wait ;)"

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