Jaime Preciado

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You laughed out loud as you put your beer down. Vic just told a great joke, though you couldn't tell if the joke was really that great, or if you were just to drunk to notice it wasn't. You looked around the bus, every member of Pierce the Veil was sitting on the couch getting drunk out of their minds. You'd known both Mike and Vic for the better part of your life and they were like brothers to you.

„Can you please stop doing that?" Jaime turned to you with an annoyed expression on his face.

„What?" You laughed sheepishly as you turned to Jaime and gave him a bit of a confused look.

„Just stop laughing, I hate the sound you make." He replied.

Your smile faded and you shared a look with Mike.
Mike looked like he was quite unhappy with Jaime's remark, nevertheless he didn't think it was his duty to tell him off. You and Mike had had a conversation about Jaime the day before. You'd always known that you weren't one of Jaime's favorite people, however, lately he had been just plain horrible to you. Mike told you he had no idea why Jaime was acting this way, he said that if you wanted his attitude to chance, you'd have to stand up to him. Mike wasn't going to do anything about it. Except maybe joke about how Jaime secretly liked you.
Jaime noticed your face, smirked and leaned back. He looked amused and fairly happy with himself. You noticed Vic raising an eyebrow. Obviously you had talked to him about jaime too. His reply was about the same as his brothers, you had to confront him yourself.
And then again, why shouldn't you stand up to him. You've got nothing to lose.

„You know what Jaime?" You said, surprised by your determent tone of voice.

„Oh, it talks." Jaime stated with another smug smirk.

„Why are you always so horrible to me?" You asked him, slightly raising your voice as you sat up, straightening your back.

Jaime didn't respond, he just stared at you. From your eyes to your lips to your chest. Why were you even waisting words on this fucking pig. You got up and raised your middle finger at Jaime.

„Fuck you. Just don't fucking talk to me again." You said before leaving the bus.

Great move, you really thought this through. Leaving the bus, your only place to sleep. Then again the bus had to leave at some point and you knew it wouldn't leave without you. So you'd probably be the reason they were going to miss their next show or something. Of course you could just set your pride aside and go back in, just try to ignore Jaime. However, you weren't that good at setting your pride aside. You turned around, wanting to walk back to the bus.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. You had no idea where you were. Fuck. Nothing looked familiar. You'd just been looking at your own feet, not at all at your environment. You checked your pocket, for your phone. Fuck. No phone. You must have left it back on the bus.

„(Y/n)?" You heard a familiar voice behind you, you turned around again. Just to see Jaime standing there, with your phone in his hand.

„Just what the fuck do you think you're doing here?" You asked.

„(Y/N)..." He sighed. „I- I..."

„You what? If you're here to insult me some more I suggest you fuck off."

„You know what?" Jaime said and he took some steps towards you. „Fuck it."

He kissed you. That was the last thing you'd expected him to do. And the most surprising part to you was the fact that you kissed him back. As you kissed, your bodies got closer. Closer and closer until his hand was on your lower back and your hands were on his chest and shoulder. His tongue entered your mouth and he placed a second hand on your butt. You felt yourself getting wet already.
Oh shit. You wanted Jaime. You really wanted Jaime.
The kiss intensified, everything suddenly became so much more passionate. Jaime pushed you up against a brick wall. His hands ran up and down your body as your hands rested on his hip, the other tugged his belt, pushing his lower body against yours. Jaime slapped your ass, you felt him smile.
He broke the kiss, you saw each other for the first time since you kissed. Jaime had really pretty eyes. You could just get lost in them. He flashed you a gorgeous smile.

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