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I wake up in bed my eyes focused on the small suitcase that was laying open on the floor the clothes was neatly packed. Today I was leaving for London to comic con with two of my cast members from the television show the walking dead.

I push the bed covers off my body going to sit up but a hand quickly grabs me pulling me back into the bed.

"Where are you going?" Caleb said looking down at me his face was inches from mine.

"I've got to finish packing and get ready to get to the airport" I muttered.

"What times the flight?" Caleb asked me looking down at me still.

"Eleven" I sighed.

We both look at the clock next to the bed seeing it was nearly six thirty in the morning, I look up at him and smile with him as his hands find there way up my top.

I shower and get dressed applying little makeup before doing up my suitcase and I carry it downstairs leaving it by the front door, I then heard voices coming from the kitchen I walk in seeing Caleb talking to Jon.

"Morning" Jon said as he casually leans against the kitchen counter cup of coffee in hand.

"Morning" I smiled walking to the fridge pulling out a can of RedBull.

"So you packed and ready?" Jon asked me watching as I opened the can.

"Yeah, London here we come, so where's Sarah? we gotta pick her up?" I questioned Jon before taking a sip of the cold liquid.

"You don't know?" Jon asked me I frown at him shaking my head "no, what?"

"Sarah pulled out of the convention, it's just you and me" he said "came down with a flu thing" he informed me.

"What really?" I muttered as I took another sip of my drink.

"Afraid so" Jon said as he places the coffee cup on the side "so we really should head off" Jon said pushing himself off the side.

"Yeah guess we should" I muttered walking over to the work surface picking up my handbag before following Jon up the hallway with Caleb behind me.

We reach the front door and Jon picks up my suitcase opening the front door "I will put this in the car" he said walking off over to the car.

"So I will see you Monday Tuesday" I said turning around wrapping my arms around Caleb.

"Yeah, gonna miss you" he said.

I lean in kissing Caleb's lips "gonna miss you too" I smiled.

I walk over to the car getting in next to Jon who pulls away as soon as I closed the door.

"So how did the kids take to daddy leaving?" I asked him as he drove us both to the airport.

"Not good, they wanted to come." He muttered.

"Must be hard leaving them all the time?" I questioned him looking over to him.

"Yeah" he sighed looking at me quickly then back to the road "getting this job, it's what I wanted but it's seriously playing hell with home life"

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Me and Ella we just going through a tough time, me not being around much, she's finding it hard" he explained.

"Well It's hard keeping it all together, being mom to two kids" I said.

"I get that Libby , it's just when I'm around I feel like she wishes I wasn't, it's since I started this job, it's affected everything"

"Well we gotta carry on filming for a few months yet, so, you really need to sort stuff out" I told him.

Jon nods his head at me and drives us to the airport for our appearance at comic con, where things are only going to get a whole lot more complicated for both me and him...

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