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Two weeks later we had just finished filming and we was going to be having a short break which I was looking forward to as it meant I could catch up with family.

I'm getting changed quickly in my trailer when the door opens causing me to jump out my skin I turn around seeing Jon walking in.

"I guess you have completely forgotten how to knock?" I said pulling my clean top over my head.

"Well didn't think it would bother you especially as its nothing I haven't seen before" he said as he walks over standing a step away from me.

"I'm sorry it did bother me, if someone saw you just stroll in here people might start asking questions" I huffed.

"Libby  I ain't a idiot, I made sure no one was around" he informed me.

"So what do you want?" I asked him trying not to sound to rude.

"Tomorrow night" Jon said to me referring to the mid season party that was being thrown.

"Yeah what about it?" I questioned him.

"Well, you going alone?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, I think so as I'm pretty sure Caleb is working"

"Well does that mean we can go together?" Jon suggested walking behind me wrapping his arms around my body.

I step forward feeling uncomfortable turning to look at him.

"Jesus Libby relax no ones here, no one can see" he reminded me.

"I know just don't. And my answer to your question is I will meet you tomorrow night"

Jon nods his head walking over to me giving me a quick kiss on the lips before leaving.

The next day I come back from the stylist from getting my hair done for the party that was going to start in a few hours seeing Caleb jogging down the stairs buttoning his shirt up.

"Where you going?" I asked him watching him as he stops in front of me.

"The party... You still going right?" He asked.

I look at him wide eyed watching him button up his last button "yeah I'm going" I replied "I just thought you had to work so I was expecting to go alone."

"Well I took the time off to spend the evening with you" Caleb said as he leans in kissing me.

"Okay, well I better get changed" I said pulling away from him heading upstairs.

Caleb and I arrive at the venue I enter my eyes scanning looking for Jon but I couldn't see him, I say my hellos to Kirkman and Emily Andrew and his wife.

Not long later I see Jon enter on his own his eyes fix on mine going to walk over stopping when he sees Caleb put his arm around me, he nods his head before walking over to Norman and Steven.

After a little while Caleb spots Jon calling him over to us I could tell Jon reluctantly walks over.

"Where's Ella?" Andrews wife asked  him.

"Couldn't get a sitter" Jon replied looking at me his eyes not leaving mine for a second till I looked away.

"That's a shame, you two could of had date night" she sighed to Jon.

"Yeah that was the plan" Jon said looking at me "so Caleb thought you wasn't going to make it tonight?" Jon asked him.

"I made the time to come, especially with me going away with work"

"Your going away?" I said shocked looking at Caleb as that's the first I had heard of it.

"Yeah, the company is sending me to Tokyo for a business deal" Caleb informed me.

"So why am I only hearing about this now? When do you leave?" I questioned him.

"Tomorrow" Caleb replied "I only found out myself this morning"

I nodded my head feeling slightly hurt by the fact that my boyfriend with only hours left decided to tell me he was leaving.

We all sit there talking till Kirkman quickly changes the subject to filming.

"So Andy Libby I know this is work related and all but you both thought over the scene that's coming up when we start filming again?"

"What scenes that?" Caleb asked taking a mouthful of his beer.

Me and Andy look at each other before looking at Kirkman
"Oh you want me to explain?" He chuckled I nodded my head.

"Well Libby and Andy have a rather hot love making scene coming up.

Caleb nearly choked on his beer along with Jon "you serious?" Jon asked looking at Kirkman.

"Well Andy and I haven't spoke about it yet" I said stopping Kirkman from answering Jon "all I was thinking is I want it to be sexy but in a tasteful way if that makes sense"

I walked outside for some fresh air a little while later and Jon followed me "so Caleb's going away then?" Jon said from next to me I nodded my head.

"Looks that way don't it" I said looking up at him.

"This scene with Andy" Jon said but I stopped him.

"Look you need to keep your feelings in check Jon, I'm not yours, what we have its just fun, it's sex, nothing else" I said looking at him.

"That's how you feel huh?" Jon said looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah, yeah it is, you have Ella, I'm with Caleb, what we have it can't be anything else except meaningless sex"

Jon looks at me nodding before walking inside passing Caleb on the way "you ready to go home?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah" I nodded wanting to go home so I could spend some time with him before he left.

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