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It was a Friday evening and I got in from having drinks with Lauren it was our day off and we had met up for lunch.

I walked into the kitchen seeing Caleb doing work on his laptop "good time?" He asked me as I got a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Yeah sure" I smiled walking over kissing his lips.

"Saw Ella earlier in the supermarket" Caleb said as he closed the lid on his laptop "she was struggling with the kids"

"Was she? Where was Jon?" I asked wondering if it was his day off why he wasn't helping her out.

"Gym" Caleb said getting up walking to the fridge "she said she wants us at four"

"Four?" I questioned him raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah, four. Don't tell me you have forgotten" Caleb said as he lifts the lid of his beer.

"Forgotten what?"

"We going for dinner at theres tomorrow, been planned for awhile now" Caleb reminded me.

"Oh god, yeah I remember now" I muttered "I'm going for a bath" i said leaving the kitchen wondering how an evening with Jon will go, i start hoping they will cancel.

Unfortunately for me it got to three thirty the next day and not one phone call from them cancelling just a text from Ella saying she was looking forward to seeing us at four o clock.

We arrived at Jon and Ella's place hearing peace and quiet which was unusual as normally you would hear the kids laughing crying or playing.

Caleb knocks on the door and a minute later the door opens I stand there seeing Jon standing there shirt unbuttoned revealing his chest.

"We interrupting something?" Caleb asked with a grin.

"He should be so lucky" Ella called out walking down the hallway "come in" she waved to us.

We stepped inside greeting them both in hugs, hugging Jon was increasingly uncomfortable for me but I tried not to show it.

"So it's quite here" I said following them into the kitchen "where's the children?"

"Ella's parents" Jon said handing Caleb a beer.

"That's nice, you both getting a break, and some alone time" I said looking at Ella then to Jon.

"It's been peaceful" Ella smiled as she turned around busying herself in the kitchen.

"Beer Libby?" Jon asked me as I stood watching Ella.

"Sure" I smiled.

We sat outside eating dinner I sat opposite Jon who I swear sat there just so he could keep tapping my feet with his so I could keep looking at him.

"So Libby" Ella said getting my attention "how's filming going for you?"

"Busy, but I enjoy it" I replied picking up my wine glass.

"So Rick and Scarlett. Tell me, do they get it on" Ella asked me causing me to choke on my wine.

"Well you will have to watch to find out" I chuckled.

"Let's hope they don't huh" Jon commented causing me to look at him quickly wide eyed at his comment.

Everyone sits there quietly for a second and I felt rather uncomfortable so I needed to escape "I need to pee" I said getting up walking inside.

After I finished I stood there not wanting to go back out there, I just wanted time to pass so I could leave, I go to leave but as I opened the toilet door I get pushed back in by Jon who quickly shut the door behind us.

"Look we don't have long" he said "look that comment was stupid" he said to me.

I nodded my head at him "your right there" I nodded.

"But the thought of you" Jon tries to say it but he couldn't I nodded again knowing what he was going to say "I know that's what bothered you the other week with me and Laurie"

"It did your right" I said being truthful for the first time with him "and I hated myself for it, but that's how I felt"

"So as your being honest and that we don't have much time, can you tell me what's going on with us"

"I don't know, but all I know is, I want you every time I see you" I told him truthfully.

"Same baby" Jon said pushing me gently against the wall leaning in kissing me, the kiss made me ache for him so I pulled away from him.

"We can't" I said looking at him.

"I know, meet me tomorrow" Jon suggested.

I looked at him nodding knowing I couldn't resist him any longer. "definitely" I smiled he smiled back leaning in kissing me quickly on the lips before turning leaving the bathroom with me.

I walked to the kitchen with Jon knowing what we was going to start was extremely wrong but I couldn't fight it any longer I needed him,  I wanted him at the end of the day we was only going to be fooling around and if we're carful no one will find out, right?

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