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The next day I woke up to a text from Jon with a time and spot to meet him, excitement filled me body and I get out of bed getting myself ready to meet him.

"Where you off too?" Caleb said walking into the bathroom turning on the shower removing his boxers

"Oh I'm meeting Emily for coffee this morning" I lied as I straightened my hair.

"Oh first I heard about it" he said stepping in the shower.

"Oh sorry I completely forgot about it till she texted reminding me" I said to him as I switched my straighteners off "look I've gotta go, see you later"

I drive to the spot Jon said meet him at when I got there I realise5d how out of the way and secluded it was, it then made me reality set in that we was really doing this.

I pull up next to Jon's truck getting out my car he leans across opening the door for me to get in, I get in closing the door looking at him.

He leans across kissing me pulling me into his lap "how long you got?" He asked me breaking the kiss.

"A couple of hours" I replied as he kisses me around the neck "what about you?"

"About the same told her I'm going gym" he replied looking me in the eyes.

"Well we better give you a good workout then" I smirked.

"Come on then" Jon grinned before kissing me hungrily pulling me even closer into him if that was possible.

Jon pulls my top off over my head throwing it over his shoulder as I slide my shoes off

I awkwardly with Jon's help remove my jeans leaving me in my bra and panties, I pull Jon's top off over his head before kneeling up so he could release his length.

I looked down looking at his hard length biting down on my lower lip before I wrap my hand around it looking him in the eyes, I slowly start stroking it up and down watching him close his eyes moaning slightly in pleasure.

"Sit on it" Jon moaned opening his eyes looking at me "I wanna feel it in you"

I kneel up and Jon's hands quickly find there way between my legs he rubs me through my panties before moving them to the side running his fingers up and down my slit feeling how wet I was getting "fuck I love your pussy" he said lifting his fingers to his mouth sucking my juices from his fingers as I line up his shaft to my hole.

I slowly sit down on it closing my eyes moaning out as it stretches me, "fuck your tight" Jon said as he grips tightly on my waist.

My lips find Jon's as I sit there not moving for a minute before I slowly start to grind myself on him.

I moaned out as I start moving up and down his length as Jon kisses down to my boobs lifting one of them out my bra he flicks his tongue over my nipple as my pace quickens as I tighten around his length "cum on Libby cum on my cock" Jon groans as he helps me move up and down on his shaft.

I feel Jon's cock throbbing from inside me which sent me over the edge and I screamed out as I climax, Jon groans out pushing me down on his length as he unloads himself into me.

We look at each other breathing heavily before I start looking around for my clothes, I climb off of Jon's lap sitting in the passenger sit and I start getting dressed.

Once I was dressed we sit there in silence not saying anything to each other, once again I didn't have an ounce of guilt for cheating on Caleb and I was seriously starting to question my feelings for him.

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