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I arrived home in tears heading straight upstairs to the bathroom running a bath for myself, I couldn't believe Jon and I had been so stupid.

Caleb slept in the spare room that night and I woke up in a empty bed hearing my phone vibrating on the side table I reach out grabbing it picking it up looking at the screen, as my eyes focused I see the name on the screen seeing it was Jon.

I stare at my phone as it vibrated like crazy in my hand till it cut out, I looked at the time seeing it was 6:30 seconds later my alarm goes off and I switched it off before forcing myself to get out of bed.

I walk into the bathroom looking in the mirror feeling like total crap I had barely slept a wink, yesterday kept playing over and over in my mind, every time I closed my eyes all I could picture was seeing Bethany standing there with the look of disgust on her face.

But the one thing I knew I was going to struggle with was the fact that I told her that id keep away from Jon, could I really keep to my word?
"I had too" I told myself mentally slapping myself.

My phone rung twice more both calls being Jon but once again I ignored them heading for work which I knew was going to be hard but I had to keep my distance from him.

I arrive at work doing the normal routine of wardrobe and makeup, I leave makeup with Lauren and we start walking our way to my trailer talking about that filming was being close to being over and about the conventions we had coming up when I see Jon walking our way and he didn't look happy.

"Word" he said sternly pointing to me.

"Not now Jon" I said as I carried on walking next to Lauren.

"Libby we need to talk" Jon said stopping walking looking at me.

"I'm going to leave you both to talk as this seems important" Lauren said patting my shoulder with her hand.

I watch Lauren walk away when she was out of ear shot Jon turns looking at me "can we at least go back to my trailer and talk quickly before we are due on set?"

I look at him everything in me was screaming out to say no but I couldn't I nodded my head agreeing and I follow him back to his trailer.

We walk inside and Jon closes the door behind us, I stand there looking at him he steps closer to me and i take a slight step backwards.

"What you said to Bethany" Jon started but I held up my hand to stop him.

"Jon, what I said I meant, your ten year old niece basically caught us, she's just a kid, Jessica saw me standing in her mommy and daddy's bedroom, I'm surprised that Ella isn't on the phone asking me why I was in her room putting my top back on"

"I spoke to Jessica, it took some bribing and a bowl of chocolate ice cream but she won't say anything" Jon said stepping closer to me.

"You saying that is why we can't be together, us having to bribe kids to keep there mouths shut about our dirty little secret is wrong. I'm done with it"

"Don't say that" Jon said stepping closer to me cupping my face "I love you, don't you dare say that"

"We can't be together" I said to him I felt tears filling my eyes "tell me how we can be together, tell me we can work?"

"We can work" Jon said leaning in kissing my lips "you and me we can be together, I'm going to leave Ella"

My eyes went wide as I stare at Jon hearing them five words "you serious?"

"Deadly serious, I'm in love with you. After we finish up here, I'm going to go home tell her it's over"

"So you seriously saying we can be together?" I smiled looking into his eyes.

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