Part 12~ IT'S NOT FAIR!

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Garroth's POV:

I sat their completly speachless tears rolled down my face uncontrollably why is he doing this?! It hurts me that we couldn't be together and he goes and does this.. The memory's just kept rolling in.. That one time where Laurence lost a game so I let him have all my chocolate, That one time he found me crying because of bullies and he beat them up for me.., That time we couldn't stop laughing because the teacher had fallen over.. And now this memory.. of him kissing me. I smiled a little we've been through so much together.. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and frowned.. He seemed so hurt when I told him that I thought he was toying with my feelings.. No! Garroth he doesn't like you.. right? I should talk to him.. I tried to stop the tears running but they didn't stop in the end I just got up and walked to outside Laurence's room.. I pulled up my hand to knock I hesitated and pulled away but then took a deep breath and knocked his door.. There was no answer.. I frowned maybe he fell asleep.. I sighed a litle dissappointed I walked back to my room it wasn't that late or early it was 7 pm. I lay in my bed finally my tears stopped falling.. Curled up in a ball I fell asleep.

Laurence's POV:

After walking away from Garroth I locked myself in my room. I was so upset that he thought I was toying with his feelings..Laurence don't worry he'll come round.. he's just afraid. I know I know i just.. want him to know that im not messing with him.. Prove it to him.. the voice coughed.. I'm getting weak Laurence your falling for him..The voice cut off and I was left alone again.. I wanted to let all my feelings out so I decided to get under my blanket and cry.. I'd been crying for half an hour straight when a soft knock was struck upon my bedroom door. I couldn't let any one see me like this so I ignored it.. I heard Garroth's bedroom door close.. I wanted to leave him a note so I got a pen and a piece of paper and wrote 'I want to speak to you.' I walked into Garroths room to see him curled up asleep. I left the note on his bedside table. I know this is gonna sound very creepy but I wish I was in bed with him right now.. I lay my head on the edge od his bed whilst kneeling on my knees he's so handsome.. I think I fell asleep there because Garroth was shaking me awake. He looked at me strangely "What are you doing Laurence?" Garroth asked. "I don't know.. One minuete I was in my bedroom and now im here.." I lied.



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