Part 30~ Proposed?!!?

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Garroth's POV:

As I made Laurence's pasta I thought about what I had asked him was it right to ask him about marriage.. I don't know what I asked him for.. I spaced out snapping back to reality when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist I turned around diverting my attention away from the pasta I was making. Laurence looked at me sweetly my cheeks dusted a pink he honestly hands down is the best person on this earth.. I turned back around and made sure it was all cooked properly he didn't let me go for the whole time I was cooking. I served his pasta and gave it too him he looked at me and smiled my face automatically painted on a smile. I gazed at him dreamily as he just carried on eating after he was finished he looked at me in an amused way. He walked into the kitchen pulling out a cake from the fridge. I looked at him confusedly as he just grinned at me. He sat down in front of me this time "Garroth open your mouth" he said suddenly. "Wh-" Before I could say anymore he shoved cake into my mouth. The cake was actually pretty good. Laurence about to eat some himself when I grabbed his spoon he looked at me weirdly. "Laurence open your mouth!" I demanded in return he immediately opened his mouth, we fed each other cake for awhile when Laurence suddenly bounced up and shouted "GARROTH!" I gave him a confused look. "What?" I queried. "I have to go out.. I'll be back later" he said and quickly flounced out of the house. I sat in my chair a little sad he had left more so confused. I didn't know where he was going.. It had been 2 hours and he still wasn't back I was starting to get worried so I texted Travis.

G- Hey Travis, Have you seen Laurence?

T- Yeah he's at .. *Message deleted*

G- Travis.. What did that say?

T- Nothing Garroth! He's probably just gone for a walk..

G- I'm worried about him..

T- No need to be I'm sure he fine, Anyway I got to go help Dante..

G- Um.. Ok?

I sighed I was quite tired so I went to bed I woke up at 9 pm to the sound of my door opening. The shadowy figure softly climbed into bed with me confused I turned over to see Laurence beaming at me. "Laurence.. Where have you been..?" I asked. "You'll soon find out.. Now go to sleep Garroth" he said plainly. I was confused and a little hurt at the way he spoke to me but I did as I was told and went to sleep. I woke up in the morning to see Laurence had disappeared and a note in his place. It read 'Dear Garroth, When you wake up I will be gone but don't panic.. Go into the living room and you'll find out.. - Love you always - Laurence~' Confused and tired I walked obliviously to the living room navigating my way through the pitch dark hall.. I entered the living room to find a bunch of rose petals and another note it read 'Confused?.. Don't turn on the lights or you'll get a fright go into the kitchen.. - Love you always - Laurence' Huh.. Dont turn on the lights.. I walked into the kitchen to see one candle and on top of that was a note that read 'Heh.. Might seem weird but it isn't over yet go into the bathroom.. -Love you always - Laurence' What.. I softly tiptoed toward the bathroom inside was one lit candle and a rose a note that only said 4 words.. 'Go to my bedroom...' I walked into Laurence's bedroom to see his room candle-lit a trial of rose petals lead towards his bed the note read 'Turn around' I spun around my pulse was starting to race. What I saw.. made me want to cry.. Laurence was on one knee looking at my with a big smile plastered on his face. The black box in his hand was barely visible. "Garroth would you do me the honors of making me the happiest man on the earth.. Garroth Ro'meave... Will you marry me?" he asked. I stared at him in shock "Y-YES.." I stuttered out. Laurence took to ring out and placed it onto my finger. He then stood up beaming and pulled me into a rough kiss. He pushed me down onto his bed when Travis came out holding a camera "Woah woah woah.. Did you forget I was in here.. Geez I'll leave you two to your own devices" he stated quickly walking out. Every breath Laurence took after kissing me he whispered the same thing over.. and over "I love you garroth" he started to unbutton my shirt slowly, He kissed me over and over. It was all so overwhelming... I was so emotional.. I wanted to do this and he just proposed to me.. I carried on kissing him following his lead. I pushed him upwards so we were both sitting up he quickly pulled off my shirt. I pulled away and pulled his sweater off. His well defined abs looked so hot.. He caught me off guard as I yelped in surprise when he bit my kneck softly. It wasn't fair he knew exactly where my sweet spots were.. I groaned in pure bliss. Laurence unhooked his teeth from my neck an whispered softly into my ear "My sweet prince.. I love you sooo.. much" My face flushed red. "I love you more.." I whispered. I felt myself being pinned down Laurence trailed kisses all the way from my fore head to the lower part my stomach. "Laurence.. Stop teasing me.." I groaned. "Its more fun that way Garroth" he said smirking.



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