Bonus Chapter~

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This is a dark chapter you have been warned.

Garroth's POV:

It had been 2 months since Laurences death I haven't eaten much, neither have I slept or stopped crying. I was exhausted but I was grieving.

I hated myself I started cutting again and I've tried to commit suicide several times.

Overdose, Doesn't work. Starving yourself, Doesn't work. Tried hanging myself but Travis and Dante stopped me.

The colours I used to see bright vibrant things, replaced with dull bland messes.

I sleep in Laurence's room because it still smells like him I say sleep but it's just laying there sobbing for hours on end until I hopefully pass out.

I usually don't leave my room I just lay there thinking about how else I could kill myself. It's hard if anything I just hate feeling sorry for myself I shouldn't feel sorry for myself.

He died because I couldn't help him so.. I shouldn't help myself. I was letting myself slowly die. I was consumed by my own grief no one dared talk to me because I would end up sobbing until I threw up.

They didn't know what to do or how to help me but.. No one can help me.

A knock struck my door I didn't answer I just kept quiet. Whoever it was had caught me on a rare moment where I wasn't crying.

The person was Travis oh and no surprise Dante followed.

"Garroth?" Travis gulped.

I grunted at him hiding myself in the tear soaked blanket.

"Garroth you've been in here for 2 months.." Travis whispered as if he was talking to a child.

"I know.." I sighed weakly.

His facial expression changed to shock.. I don't usually respond so it probably was a shock.

"We know your upset.. But you haven't eaten much and you have barely slept and.. and as your friends we are worried about you" Travis explained.

"I don't care I don't need sleep or food, I need to die" I croaked my voice quiet and hoarse from crying and barely speaking.

"Garroth, Look saying this is going to hurt me as much as you but hurting yourself isn't going to bring Laurence back." Dante mumbled.

My face froze at his name I just stared hopelessly at him.

"It's hurts Dante.. It hurts; the gaping gap in my heart aches everyday why did it have to be him?" I sobbed.

I cried but soon the tears stopped I just couldn't cry anymore.

"Garroth you're doing your body serious harm at this rate you could just drop down from exhaustion, dehydration or even die from starvation we don't want to lose you aswell" Travis pleaded.

"I just want Laurence back.." I screamed.

The two boys backed away giving each other worried looks.

"Look Gar-" I cut him off.

"Just leave me alone" I sobbed.

They both left  the room.

I got out of bed looking through Laurences drawers finding a picture of myself a glimpse of a small smile which quickly dissapeared.

I rummaged through his drawers finding something I didn't expect too.

I found a gun I looked at it. This is my time.

I got a piece of paper writing-

Dear Everyone,

                                   If you are reading this you have found me dead. I'm sorry to cause you more hurt but I have to do this I can't live without him. It's taking a toll on me. I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger but I guess I'm not fit to be strong. Right now I just want to end this misery and pain I feel without Laurence. It hurts me as much as it hurts you. I know Laurence wouldn't want for me to do this he would want me to be strong and think of it as a new start. But I can't it's too hard for me. I leave you with the only thing I know which is.. I loved you all dearly but my heart aches for him. This longing will end and I can finally end the pain I've been feeling.

                                                I'm Sorry..

                                                                            Garroth Ro'Meave

I looked at the gun taking a deep breath I put the paper on my bed my hands shaking I held the gun toward my head.

My shaky fingers traced the trigger. I picked up the confidence and pulled it.

Everything turned black.

I walked into a room that was bright to find someone.. They turned around and ran towards me crying.

"Laurence?" I asked tears falling down my face.

"Garroth" He cried pulling me into a tight embrace pushing me into the ground. He sobbed and I comforted him.

Dante's POV:

I was with Travis outside Garroths room we were conversing when a gun shot was heard in the room.

We rushed inside to find Garroth and a pool of blood surronding him..

I froze staring at his dead body. A piece of paper by the side of him.

I read it tears flooding from my eyes.

Two of my best friends had gone.. I dropped to my knees how am I going to tell Vlyad his own brothers dead..



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