Part 15~ Blind, Love and TRAVISSSS!!!!!!!!!

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Laurence's POV:

Once again me and Garroth were alone. Garroth was lying on his back I looked at him and he smiled. Suddenly Garroth shouted "Laurence go get dressed we're going out!". "Uh Garroth?" I asked. "Just do it!" he ordered. "Ok.." I replied. I got up of his bed and walked to my room. I looked through my wardrobe and found my black and white jumper I took my top of and put it on. I threw some old jeans on and tried to comb my hair it wasn't having any of it today. I just left it as it was. I put on my shoes and looked in the mirror. Honestly I didn't look half bad I ran my fingers through my hair but it wouldnt budge I'll have to wash that out later. I shrugged and grabbed my phone I walked out of my room and knocked Garroth's door. "Come in" Garroth shouted. He was in the middle of putting his shoes on. "Oh Hey Laurence" he said. "Where are we going Garroth?" I asked. Garroth just looked at me and smiled mischeivously. His eyes gleamed the blue top he was wearing brought out his dazziling blue eyes. He came up behind me and said " Ok Laurence close your eyes!". I felt something being put on my head.. "Open them!" he ordered. "I cant see anything! Garroth i'm going to kill you!" I yelled trying to find where he was. Garroth laughed and took my hand "It's ok I promise you won't walk into anything I'll guide you!" he comforted. "O-Ok Garroth please don't let me fall" I fretted. "I wont let you fall Laurence" He said sternly. Garroth put his hands on my hips I could feel my face heat up as he guided me to where we were going. Garroth stopped me we hadnt been walking for very long "Ok Laurence I'm going to take your blindfold off.." he said. "O-Ok.." I stammered. Garroth untied the blindfold and took it off my head. I adjusted to the mid-day light and looked around. "Garroth where are we?.." I asked.

Garroth's POV:

"Dont tell me you've  forgotten..." I asked sadly.  Laurence turned around a bit more and  looked at me sadly "I dont know where we are Garroth.." he answered. I  frowned "This is where we met.." I looked around "Dont you remember?.." I  asked. Laurence gasped "Everything is just so much bigger now I hardly  recognise it!". Laurence walked towards a tree and looked around it and  came to a hault. "Garroth.." He whispered. I walked over to him and  smiled it was an old carving we had made when we were little. It read 'G  & L Best friends forever!' "I can't believe thats still there.." I  chuckled. "After all these years.." Laurene whispered putting him hand  over the carving. "Laurence.." I whispered putting my hand on his  shoulder. "Yeah?" He whispered looking me in the eye. "There's a reason I  brought you here.." I said shyly. "What is that reason?" he asked  softly. "B-Because I know this place means a lot to both of us so I was  thinking that.." I sighed "Laurence.." I stammered blushing furiously.  "What is it Garroth?" he asked. "I know.. this is sudden but I really  like you.. So.. will you be my boyfriend?.." I asked shyly. Laurence's  eyes widened and he looked at me strangly "Y-You want m-me to be your  b-boyfriend.." He stuttered. "Yeah.. If you don't-" I was cut off by  Laurence smashing his lips into mine I cupped his face with my hands  pulling him into a deeper kiss. I could hear rustling in the leaves  behind us I pulled away from the kiss and turned around and what I found  was not a pleasent sight I put my hands on my hips as I waited for Travis and Zane to notice I was watching them. Zane gulped as he looked at me "G-Garroth! Its not what it looks like!" Zane stammered turning a dark red. Travis awkwardly smiled at me "Oh Uh Heyy Garroth! W-What are you doing here..." Travis awkwardly said. I turned around to see Laurence looking furiously at them Ohhh damn they're in some deep shit now.. I laughed.


Welp irene help Zane and Travis I don't think Laurence is very happy his sentimental moment with Garroth was ruined. Shit about to go downnnnn

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