Part 22~ Marriage?!

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Garroth's POV:

Laurence laughed and kissed me lightly "Garroth I want to thank you for what you did for me whilst I was ill" he thanked. "Laurence you don't need to thank me I was just being a good boyfriend"  I said winking at him. Laurence blushed and playfully smacked my arm "Owww!" I yelled faking it had hurt me I held my arm and poked my tongue out at Laurence. He laughed at me and kissed my arm where he had hit it "Does it hurt anymore you big softy" he jeered. I smiled innocently "As much as I would love to stay and play fight with you Laurence I've got to go and see Zane, I'll see you later" I said smiling. "Awww but Garroth can't you stay a little longer" he groaned. "Look I'll make it up to you later I've got to go" I said kissing him and getting out of bed. He pouted but said "Goodbye" I smiled "Bye Laurence" I said. I walked off to Zanes house ignoring the fact I hadn't had breakfast yet. I knocked Zanes door to see a light deprived Travis greet me I scowled "Where's Zane?" I asked. "In bed" Travis replied. "He wanted to speak with me do you happen to know why?" I questioned. "Come in a second I'll go wake him up." He said letting me in. I squirmed uncomfortably in the dark room when my brother entered the room. His hair was a mess and wait a second did he just smile?!? "Why are you so happy?" I asked. "Just in a good mood" he replied bluntly. Travis perked up and said "You would be after last" Zane clasped his hand around his mouth. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "So you wanted to talk to me?" I said. "Yeah I just want to give it too you straight I'm dating Travis and we're getting married.." He said. "I kinda guessed you and Travis were dating but marriage how long have you been dating?" I asked. "5 months" Travis replied. "Is that ALL you needed to tell me" I asked. "Yeah.. I'm sorry you only just found out and you probably had to ditch cuddling with Laurence just to see me, I'm sorry for making you come out like this but I just needed to tell you" Zane rambled. "It's fine.." I replied and walked off. (A/N SALLTTYY) I stormed off into my room which was still a mess from when I was reorganising.

Laurence's POV:

Garroth walked off as I groaned why did he have to leave UGHH so lonely on my own (A/N I feel ya Laurence) I wrapped myself in my blanket and sighed. I dragged myself out of bed to make some breakfast. I was feeling lazy so I just made myself a piece of toast I only ate a bite out of the piece of toast I was anxious as to what Garroth was doing. Suddenly the door burst open and an angry looking Garroth stormed past into his room. My curiosity got the better of me I found myself outside Garroth's room. "Garroth?" I called. I heard him groan I frowned I walked away when I felt a pair of arms encase themselves around me. I didn't need to scream or run or even try to fight back because I knew it was Garroth. "I'm sorry Laurence" he apologised. "Garroth what are apologising for?" I asked. "For being such a horrible boyfriend" he wailed tears running down his face. "What are you on about? Garroth don't cry, You're the best thing that ever happened to me!" I exclaimed. Garroth let go of me and dropped the floor he sobbed "I am such a terrible person!" he spat throughout sobs. "What? Garroth how are you a terrible person?" I asked. I sat on the floor in front of him I cupped his face with my hands and made him look at me "Garroth you can't have done something bad.. Please tell me" I begged. "Zane told me him and Travis are getting married.. and I stormed out.. I'm such a terrible person.." he bawled sobbing harder. "Oh Garroth.. That doesn't make you a bad person.. You just need some time to get used to the idea of them dating I know you're protective of Zane but listen they'll understand why you stormed off just apologise when you're ready to accept he's growing up..." I said running my hand down Garroths face. He smiled a little and enclosed me in a tight embrace. Dante came out of his room and yelled "CAN YOU SHUT UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP YOU HAVE ROOMS YOU KNOW!" he turned around and slammed the door.


Sorry its short

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