Part 24~ I love you's and kiss's

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Laurence's POV:

Geez trying to keep Garroth off me to eat his breakfast is harder than it looks.. He clung onto arm "Garroth go eat your breakfast" I demanded. "Noooo I wanna stay with you.." he whined. "Garroth i'm literally like 10 centimeters away from you calm down and eat your breakfast" I said. "But Laurenceee" he whined. "Just go eat your breakfast Garroth!" I snapped. He looked at me with his big blue eyes and stuck out his bottom lip "Garroth look i'm sorry for yelling at you just go eat your breakfast please" I apologised. "Okkk" he said going back to his breakfast. He's like a child.. but I love him for it. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head placed on my shoulder. "Laurenceee~" He whispered. "Garroth did you eat your breakfast like I told you too?" I asked. "Mhmm" he beamed. "Good" I said smiling. He let go of me and I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my bedroom again. He giggled cutely I pushed him down onto my bed he looked up at me his eyes so beautiful. His blonde hair was a mess from last time. I kissed him again Garroth started to play with my hair whilst we were kissing and I had to say it felt pretty good. I pulled away and whispered into his ear "I love you Garroth.." He blushed a furious red and whispered back "I love you too Laurence" and with that I kissed him passionately. I heard him (A/N and the awkwardness begins be prepared ;~;) moan I pulled away smiling in satisfaction that I pleased him. "Laurence why'd you stop?" he groaned irritatedly. I didn't go back to what I was doing I kissed his neck almost everywhere before I had found it. His breathing quickened as I bit his neck where I knew was his sweet spot. "Nnnghh" he moaned. That's when someone knocked my door me and Garroth looked at each and groaned. I pushed myself off Garroth and opened the door it was Vlyad UGHH why can no one leave us alone.. This happens every time me and Garroth want some alone time.. I smiled fakely since I was a bit pissed at the fact he had interrupted me and Garroth. "Oh hey Vlyad nice to see you" I said. "Hey have you seen Garroth?" Vlyad asked. I put my hands in my pockets "No I don't know where he is.. Haven't seen him since this mourning.." I lied. "Oh.. ok see you" Vlyad said walking off. I rolled my eyes and left the room I got a piece of paper and wrote 'I'm busy leave me alone' on it. I stuck it on the door and locked it. Garroth looked confused I smiled innocently. "Why'd you tell him I wasn't here?" He asked. "Because I want to be alone with you for once without interruptions ok?" I said. "Aww Laurencee are you jealous other people spend more time with me than you?" He teased. "Very.. Very Jealous" I said seductively. He bit his lip and sat up
"Laurence~" He called. I looked at him and blushed a light tinge of pink. I climbed onto his lap and kissed his nose.

Vlyad's POV:

I couldn't find my brother anywhere after a while I gave up and went back to Dante who was on his phone "What you doing?" I asked. He quickly turned his phone off I raised an eyebrow "Dante what was that?" I asked. "Well.. Uh I heard you was looking for Garroth.. Well I found him.." He said nervously. "Oh where is he?" I asked. "I don't think you want to know.." he said. "Huh? Show me!" I demanded. Dante showed me his phone and what I saw made me very angry.. Not only had Laurence lied to my face he was making out with Garroth! I was so mad I stormed out of Dante's room and started to knock furiously. All I heard was Garroth tell Laurence "Don't worry about it they'll go away in a minute.." Completely furious I knocked down the door it angered me even more that they didn't care and they just carried on. Dante grabbed my arm and dragged me out I yelled "LAURENCE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I tried to get out of Dante's grasp. "DANTE LET ME GO" I yelled. "No Vlyad.." he said. I ripped my arm out of Dante's grasp and stormed into Laurence's room again, I grabbed Garroth's arm he struggled to stay where he was but I pulled him away from Laurence they both looked at each other. I literally dragged Garroth out of Laurence's room. Garroth stood up and folded his arms "Vlyad that was uncalled for" He complained. "uncalled for.. UNCALLED FOR?! YOU WERE LITERALLY EATING LAURENCE'S FACE!" I yelled. Garroth rolled his eyes "You didn't mind doing that with Dante though" he snapped. I turned a dark red "THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I shouted angrily. "MINE AND LAURENCE'S RELATIONSHIP IS NONE OF YOU BUSINESS EITHER!" He yelled. "I'M YOUR BROTHER I SHOULD KNOW!" I retorted. "YOUR NOT EVEN MY BROTHER!" Garroth yelled out of anger. His hand clasped over his mouth once he had realised what he had said. I backed away in shock. Tears brimmed my eyes "No your right I'm not your brother.. I'm your step brother.." (Insert thug life glasses onto Vlyads face right here :3) I said. "Vlyad.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean that.." he apologised. "Garroth look I'm sorry I over reacted I'll pay for the damages.. I'm sorry.." I apologised. "Vlyad it's ok.. You don't have to pay for anything.. I'm sorry for what I said.." He said sadly. He hugged me tightly and turned toward the broken down door.

Garroth's POV:

I sighed looking at the door that was no longer there. I guess I gotta call the man who fits doors for the 100th time.. I climbed over the debri of the now broken door. Too see Laurence looking pretty ticked off. "Laurence.." I said. Laurence looked at me and sighed. "Why can't we just have time together without being interrupted.." He asked. "Listen when Dante's in work we can have some time" I said running my hand down his shirt. He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me. "Your so loving towards your brothers... Can you show me some of that?" He asked smiling. "LAURENCE I don't make out with my brothers..." I said. "I was technically your brother at heart so your lying" he smirked. "Laurence! Your such a cassanova" I said laughing. "I'm only a cassanova for you~" he said sweetly. I felt my face heat up. I wrapped my arm around his neck and my legs around his waist. Laurence stood up and I paniced "Laurence dont drop me!" I said hiding my face in his shoulder he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm not going to drop you Garroth" he said laughing. I was being tooken somewhere I ended up being placed down. I opened my eyes I was in the living room. Laurence sat down next too me and put some love film on. I snuggled into him as he put his arms around me.


Thats cute~

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