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Jun x Hikari
Pokémon: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Twinleaf town was a quiet and peaceful town. Only a couple of houses, a lab, and a beautiful lake. Twinleaf town was also home to the champion of Sinnoh, Hikari, who happened to be sleeping the day away in her bedroom.

A certain blonde resident wasn't having it.

Jun vibrantly chose to wake up at six o'clock in the morning, whereas his blue headed friend believed that ten o'clock was a more fitting time. Jun continued to wait outside her house with his Torterra. He lied on Torterra's back and sighed, "Why does she sleep soooooo late, Terra?" he whined. Terra looked at him quizzically for a minute then just shrugged. "I had a whole day planned, it's our first day back yknow! We should have fun doing the stuff we used to! If she sleeps through it all I'm fining her millions!" Jun pouted. Terra glanced at him again and sighed.

Jun slid off Terra and heaved a sigh as well, he was excited about today, but waiting for Hikari was killing his soul. Which made him even more surprised when Hikari opened the door, in her usual pink dress and white scarf and not her pajamas. To Hikari's dismay her mom was pushing her out the door telling her to take a day and explore, but Jun didn't even notice. He jumped up off the ground and bolted to meet her, stopping just before he crashed into her. "Hikari-Kari! You're finally awake. I'm fining you yknow, me and Terra have been out here forever. Oh yeah my mom suggested this to me, we should go do all our favorite things, yknow? Since it been awhile."

Jun's rambling finally stopped and he looked up expectantly, only to see a very dazed, sleepy Hikari.

"She just woke up. Sorry, Jun dear. But that sounded like an excellent idea! Why don't you two go hang out at Lake Verity for the day, catch up on each other's adventures, you know, just hang out." Hikari's mom pushed them towards the town entrance and sometime during that Jun's mom showed up to push them too. "Terra come back!" Jun called Terra back into his Pokéball. "After Lake Verity maybe you should stop by Rowan's and hang out with Koki too." Jun's mom suggested.

Jun and Hikari decided it might be best if they just went along with it so they said their goodbyes and ran off toward the Lake.

"What was up with that?" Hikari said out of breath. Jun took a moment to let her breathe. He sat down near the edge of the water and looked out over the Lake, "Heck if I know. I'll have to fine our parents when we get back." he chuckled and Hikari joined in sitting next to him. They made small talk, Hikari telling Jun about her rise to the champion and Jun spinning tales of his 'glorious' travels as well. Jun listened closely and quietly as Hikari took her turn to share. She seemed happy when she talked about her journey, there was no doubt that it was one of the best moments of her life.

Jun frowned a little, in his head he knew he had been the one to decide that they go separate ways during the journey, but now he couldn't help but regret not being there for the greatest moments in his best friends life. When he snapped out of his thoughts, he realised that she had stopped talking and was now leaning on his shoulder, out like a light. Being careful not to wake her, Jun took out his Snorlax's Pokéball. After sending out his Snorlax he carefully placed Hikari against its side."Thanks Snor." he told Snorlax, "I'll be right back." Jun sent out his Staraptor and flew off.

Hikari opened her eyes and stretched her arms, she felt somethings soft against her back, it was soothing and warm. Without even looking she called out to Jun's Snorlax, "Thank you Snor, that was a nice nap, where's Jun?" She continued to stretch while Snorlax sat up and replied with a simple grunt and shrug.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I thought you'd be out longer." she heard Jun's voice and looked up to see the boy's Staraptor coming in for a landing. He jumped off Staraptor and sat down next to Hikari. "I got these from Koki's place, he said he over baked for an occasion and had a couple left." he handed her a basket of cookies. "I thought you'd be hungry since, yknow, you got pushed out of your house, probably without breakfast. Hurry up and eat them, before I fine you." Jun scratched the back of his head and smiled.

They ate the cookies in silence until Hikari spoke up.

"Sounds like we both had a pretty good time on our journey." Hikari sighed with a smile. "Yeah, wish I could've been there during at least most of yours though." he lied back with his arms folded behind his head. "What do you mean?" Hikari asked. He glanced her, then blushed. "Uhh nothing." he replied quickly, "Yknow we should stop by Koki's house, those cookies were good. Maybe I should ask him for the recipe. I know! I can call them Kokies! Haha. But if we stop by he might have some more left. That sounds good, let's do tha-" Hikari silenced Jun's rambling with a look that said she wasn't having it.

Jun sighed, he knew he'd have to tell her someday, but he didn't think it was going to be today! His quick mouth and rushing mind had finally gotten him into a bind he couldn't get out of. "Well, I was maybe thinking it would've been nice to... spendlotsoftimewithyou...?" he blurted it all out quickly. Hikari looked at him dazed, "Wait hold on... What? You talk fast but you've never been that bad." He pouted at her, then heaved a sigh. "The way you described your journey, it sounded like you had the time of your life. I just wish I could've been there with you to enjoy it and spend time with you." he squeezed his eyes shut. He wasn't sure she heard him until she began to speak again, "Sure the journey was really fun, but the best parts were when I would go up against you to see how far we'd both come. Seeing my best friend after such a long time and seeing how much we both grew since we were apart was amazing. And having you there to root me on during our journey always helped." she explained.

She looked at him, he was blushing and his eyes were sparkling, "You really mean that Hikari-Kari?!" he sat up in a flash, almost slamming his forehead into hers. "Nah, I just think it's amusing when you're embarrassed." she rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Hey, I'm fining you for that one." he pouted again. They looked at each other, then bust out laughing.

"Oh Hikari! I want to ask you!" Jun shot up. "What is it?" she tilted her head waiting for his question. "Well, you said you enjoyed battling me and that the best part of your journey was meeting up with me soooooo, I though maybe you'd go with me to the battle frontier?" he asked carfully, not sure how she'd respond since it was her first day back from the league. She might want to stay here since it's been a while. What should he do then? Should he stay too? He could jus- "Sure." She responded. He looked at her for a second, then the next thing she knew he had her in his arms while they spun in circles.

He stopped and looked up at her, "Your the best Kari!" then planted a kiss on her lips. His eyes shot open, and he tripped, knocking both of them into Lake Verity. Once again he acted too quickly. "Sorry Hikari. I got your clothes all wet. I'll dry them, umm. I know I'll call out Rapida-" he cut off his words when she kissed him on the cheek. Maybe his quick lifestyle wasn't so bad after all.

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and fun at the 'Welcome Home' party their parents had spent all day making.

-Three weeks later-

Jun slouched against his Torterra at seven o'clock in the morning, "I told her that she could sleep late, but it's already seven. That's like an hour after the sun comes up. Ugh Terra, I'm so boooooored." Jun was seated outside a certain blue haired rivals house, waiting for her to wake up so they could begin their departure.

About two hours later, her front door began to click open. Jun bounced up and sprang for the door, only to collide into said blue haired rival with a loud, "THUD." Hikari rubbed her head, "Really Jun? Do you have to do that every time?" Jun grinned at her and laughed, "Well, at least it makes your mornings more interesting." He said optimistically. "Seriously though, I think one day I'll just decide to fine you, instead." she grunted grumpily while standing up. He stood up as well and smirked, "Oh come on, yknow you love me."

She blushed and sighed, "Come on, let's get going. Call out Staraptor." she told him. Instead he grabbed her hand and started off towards the route near town, "I think we should walk." he commented. "Why it's faster to fly, don't you like getting places faster?" she questioned.

"Not when taking the slow way means I get to spend more time with you."

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