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Another songfic, yay!

I happened to be sitting in the car when I heard this song and it just sort of resonated with Sequelshipping for me. They need each other and I feel like sometimes they don't realize that.

The song is "When You're Gone" by Avril Lavigne, some good ol' pre 2010s

The song will be posted with the chapter for those of you who haven't heard it or those of you who want to hear it lol. The song lyrics are in italics

This chapter was requested by NikkiArianaKhue


Mei stood in front of a door in the rain. It soaked her hair and her clothes, but she paid no heed to it as she stood there, arm suspended in the air as she hesitated to knock.

She didnt want to believe that she was here. After all she was the one that told him she didn't need to be.

I always needed time on my own

Mei had told Hyuu that she could continue her journey by herself. That he could go home, since he had found his sister's Purrloin.

He had shot her a look of concern when she had said it, but ultimately agreed to let her travel on her own. After all, she had done so before, why not now?

I never thought I'd need you there when I cry

She sniffled, trying to dry her tears. She hoped that the rain would mask some of them, but her eyes were no doubt red. Her sharp intakes of breath and quivering shoulders also gave her away as she finally gave a meek knock on the door.

There was no response.

And the days feel like years when I'm alone

She knocked again, a little louder this time. Again no response. Her heart sank again, she wanted to see him. Needed to see him. She had held out for so long, she thought she was strong, but she wasn't.

She rounded the house to a side window where she knew the boy's room was and peered in.

And the bed where you lie, is made up on your side

There was no one, the light was off. They weren't there. She couldn't take it.

She remembered back, two weeks after she had decided to go it her own, Hyuu had called her on the Xtransciever. His face was something of a relief to her, but he asked if she was sure she didn't want him to come along.

She didn't know why, but she snapped telling him that she would never need him. She wanted him to be with his family, like he wanted to be, but he was making it so hard for her to let him.

When you walk away, I count the steps that you take

She remembers clearly seeing his figure leave her behind as he headed home. If she had known it was going to end up like this, she never wanted to go on a Pokemon journey. She wanted to be where he was.

Can't you see how much I need you right now?

Warm tears began pouring down her face in streams, she covered her mouth with the back of her hand to muffle her sobs. With her back against the wall she sank to her knees, letting the rain wash over her as it rained harder.

When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missin' you

She had heard of heartbreak, but she never thought it to be this excruciatingly painful. Knowing that not only had she pushed him away, he probably hated her now.

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