#6- Closure

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Chapter 6: Thaluke

Thalia sat at the edge of a cliff, her eyes swimming with tears. The Hunters of Artemis were off scrounging for supplies, or either way, they were giving Thalia some space. The sisters understood each other. And that Luke Castellan's death hadn't been easy for Thalia.

Should she be celebrating for the end of the war? Should she be at Camp Half Blood right now clapping Annabeth and Percy on the back for their success? How come she was sad?

Luke betrayed them, didn't he? He was the one who joined the bad side! What was Thalia doing? Hoping she should have changed him before he went mad with the temptation of power by Kronos? But what could she do? She was still a tree when he switched sides.

She felt slightly angry at Annabeth for not stopping Luke. But then she immediately distinguished the feeling. What could young Annabeth do to stop Luke, who could be so reckless and was much older than Annabeth?

'He tried to kill Annabeth! He wanted to tempt you! He wanted to kill Percy! He wanted the Olympians destroyed! And yet you still pity his death? He had caused many deaths!' Her mind told her.

"No...no." Thalia croaked, tears slipping down her face. Yet, it was oddly true.

"Thalia?" Thalia's eyes widened at the voice. She backed away as Luke Castellan, in his silver vapor glory stood before her.

"L-Luke?" She could barely believe it. "H-how? How-What are you doing here?" Luke looked tired. His shirt looked ripped, and his face, though only vapor, had new scars on them. There was a bloody spot on his wrist where he stabbed himself. The scar the dragon gave him still stood out visibly on his face.

"Hey." Luke said casually, as if he didn't pop out of the dead. Like he was still alive, back in the old times, when the world was less scary to them. Like he just defeated another beast and found another camp place for him, Thalia and Annabeth to temporarily shelter at. Thalia missed the old times.

"How did you get here?" She gulped. "Zeus, my dad, Hades." He told her. Thalia realized that he no longer spat the word 'my dad'. Oh wait, did he just call Hermes 'my dad'?

"Hermes actually helped. He convinced Zeus to let me out just for a little while. Zeus actually did feel slight pity for you, well don't freak. Then they sent Nico Di Angelo to tell his father the request, who finally agreed."

"Is that even possible?" Thalia wondered. Luke smiled wryly. "For you." Thalia hastily wiped her tears. "Your point?"

"Don't mourn over me Thals. I love you. Move on. Not start dating, you are a Hunter, but stop mourning. I don't want to see you so sad." "Wait, back there, did you say you love me?" Thalia asked, shocked, and yet her heart fluttered. Luke smiled and nodded. "Yes. Yes. I believe I just did." Thalia tried hugging Luke but then realized he wasn't here in person and fell. Luke laughed as she hit the ground. Thalia pretended to scowl. "Hey!"

"It was funny." Luke grinned. He looked so different. Thalia couldn't recognize him as the one who hosted Kronos's body.

"I really want to get to the Isles of Blest." Luke suddenly said, a faraway look in his eyes. "But what about me?" Thalia cried. She wondered if she sounded selfish.

"Thalia, I would not be able to wait for you. You're a Hunter of Artemis. You would be here a long long time." "Thank you for making me feel bad for accepting the offer." Thalia groaned. True, she had felt slight twinges of regret sometimes but this hit her hardest. "You know Artemis wouldn't like that." Luke stated. Thalia rolled her eyes.

"I could still die Luke. It won't be soon. I will swear I will not kill myself. But....I'm probably sounding selfish right now aren't I?" Luke shook his head and gestured for Thalia to continue. "Please..please wait for me....I...I love you too." Thalia didn't want to take back what she said. She could hear thunder, and the pendant that hung on a string that was tied around her neck (necklace, abuden?) that Artemis gave her rattle against her chest. Right now, she had no care.

She had finally said what she wanted to. She was nearly killing herself regretting things she could have done and said to Luke, and this was the top of the list. Check.

Now it was time for the Son of Hermes's eyes to widen. "Y-you..." He spluttered. "Okay Thalia. I-i swear to the River Styx I will and that Elysium is much enough for me." Thalia let out a sigh of relief and happiness. She had been so afraid, she dreaded the time when all her friends will die and go to Elysium and she'd still be here, immortal, roaming the world.

"I have to go Thals. Please don't cry." Luke said softly. Thalia nodded. What happened to bravely slaying beasts, to punk style, to death-to-Barbie shirts? To the girl who gave the campers the sense of intidimation and leadership? She had to be strong. She had a band of girls, a goddess, and many campers, Annabeth for instance, counting on her.

"I love you. See you then, someday." She grinned. Luke was already fading away. "See you in Elysium. Do get in ELYSIUM!" He called. "I already said I'll see you dummy!" She chuckled as Luke disappeared completely.

Thalia knew she would miss Luke. He would always be a part of her heart. But right now, Thalia had her own destiny to fufill. She still had a long life to go.

Haha, don't think like that.

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