#10- Quite a Situation

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Chapter 10: Quite a Situation

Hazel Levesque shouldered her silver bat, sighing and rubbing her blood-covered hands on her blood-covered jeans.

Zombies. She was getting sick of them.

Hazel had been alone for quite some time now, because the living dead didn't count. Everyday, she was faced with fighting and hiding and scavenging. Food and water was scarce. It worked on a first come first serve basis.

The sound of dragging footsteps brought Hazel to her senses and she whipped around. A zombie was lunging towards her. And it was big. It would have once been a big man, but now he was sagging, his flesh rotting.

Hazel swept her bat at the zombie during its mid fall, grunting at the effort and the weight of the falling zombie. The zombie toppled sideways, and Hazel used this brief moment to swing the silver metal at the living-dead-creature, bashing its head bloody with every hit.

As Hazel was hitting, she couldn't help feeling like a murderer. But then, this creature killed much more of the living. Curse the virus.

Curse her luck.

Hazel was cursed since birth, she knew it, she felt it. She could feel gems and jewels underground, buried, spread, heavy. Sometimes, jewels popped up from the ground, and Hazel had to snatch it away quick, because every jewel was cursed.

Tell her, she's unlucky.

Hazel slumped onto the wall once the zombie was confirmed gone, trying to not move because the zombies were attracted to sound. The zombies were sort of like blind people, but with hazy eyesight and more aggressiveness.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps again.

Hazel groaned, pushing herself off the wall, looking around wildly for the source of the noise. What she did not expect was a golden retriever to trot forwards and rest its head at her feet.

Hazel immediately dropped to her knees and ran a hand through the dog's soft but very dirty light brown fur. The dog wagged his tail happily.

"Oh, who's so mean to abandon you?" Hazel cooed, petting the pet. She decided at that moment the dog was going to be hers to keep...at the dog's consent, which was a likely yes.

The dog whined a little and then suddenly backed away.

Two seconds later, Hazel was left staring at a tall Asian-like boy wearing a leather jacket, a purple T-shirt and jeans.


"Hello." he said, grimacing a little as he picked of some dried dark zombie blood from his arm.

"Where's the dog?" Hazel demanded. "And where did you come from?" Her bat was poised, ready to strike.

The boy spread his hands in a surrender gesture. "I'm the dog."

"W-what?!" Hazel spluttered, lowering her trusty metal bar.

"Since birth. Cursed since birth." Was all he said.

"So your curse is to be able to turn into a dog?" Hazel asked, dumbfounded. "How is that a curse?"

"I am able to turn into all kinds of animals." The boy replied. "Its....well...just a curse."

"That makes no sense." Hazel snorted. "My curse is producing cursed jewels. Isn't that more of a curse?"

The black haired boy tucked his hand into into his leather jacket and took out a piece of wood. "My life line. Once it burns, I die."


"Yeah oh." The boy rolled his eyes. When Hazel didn't say anything, he tucked his 'life line' back into his pocket and shook Hazel's hand. "I'm Frank. You?"

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