#9.5- Forbidden Love Pt 2

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Chapter 9.5- Forbidden Love Pt 2

read the previous one shot first. guess I owe it to ya all to update eh? Thanks for all the comments, reads and votes. I really appreciate it.

Nico's POV

Mr Grace glared at me. His death glare was much worse than Clarisse. Right now, I stood ashamed in his office while he called my dad.

Mr Grace separated Jason and me, so now he was standing at the other side of the room, staring at his father with a very intense look. A look that showed he was clearly angry.

"Nico! What have you done again?" my dad growled. His face held an apoplectic look. I winced. My dad and Jason's dad's glare was really mind chilling.

"Hello Hades." Mr Grace said, his mouth in a grim line. "Do sit. I need to discuss to you about your son of yours who is defying the school rules I set." Dad grunted but sat down.

"Your son is in a secret relationship with my son." Mr Grace said simply and sent me a withering look. I bit my lip. There it will go.  My dad will sent me the same look, except more furious, and I've no idea how I could stand both equally intimidating men glaring at me like I set fire to their cars and houses and killed their wives in it.

Dad pursed his lips. I noticed he didn't know how to react. But it was obvious he was not happy. I wondered if dad would tell me off loudly again, or prepare some punishment, like he did before if I did something that didn't quite please him. Perry, my step mother, who, by the way, hates my mother and therefore hates me, would probably throw me out. She talks a lot about how she despises gay relationships.

I just stared, quiet, waiting for his response.

"I can't say I am agreeable." Dad said, a look of distaste on his face as he idly straightened his tie. "But there's nothing I can do about it, can I?" He glanced briefly at me then back at Mr Grace.

"There is, Hades! Get your disgraceful son away from my son. Far away." Mr Grace gritted his teeth, his voice deep and dangerous. Dad stared at Mr Grace for a while before settling on a "Fine. Come on Nico."

He stalked out of the office, leaving me forced to obediently follow him.


"What were you thinking?!" Dad slammed his hands down on the steering wheel, causing a loud honk. The car beside honked back loudly.

I flinched. "I'm really sorry dad but I can't regret it."

"I don't want my child to be....gay! And why Grace's son of all boys you could pick?! Are you trying to deliberately ruin my business? Do you know how much power that bastard Jupiter holds? He could easily ruin our life!"

"Dad, I really didn't mean to deliberately ruin your business. I never wanted that at all." I mumbled.

"Bianca would never had gotten us into this mess! I had always wondered why she sacrificed herself for you when you're not worth it!"

I dropped my head onto my chest, tears threatening to spill. Every word my dad said was true. I'm ruining his life. I'm not worth it. Bianca could do better. She would always do better, and I knew that.

"Stop tearing up." dad commanded. He drove recklessly. Several cars had already honked and swerved as my dad sped through the road like he owned it.

Which he didn't.

I nodded. We were reaching the house anyway. No point in letting Perry see me cry. That woman was one evil bitch.

My dad had always used Bianca against me. I knew I was not worth it but the way my dad said it...my sister would be a billion times better than I would be. Some might feel that I might be jealous of Bianca but I never had that kind of feeling, even if I hold grudges and everything. She was the only one I had when Dad and Perry (it used to be my mom) goes for long business trips.

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