#17- Surprise

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Chapter 17: Surprise!

It was Percy's birthday in the Argo II and he was feeling quite glum.

He shouldn't be. Right? The rest of them had thrown a party for him, they even included blue cake and blue coke! And they all were stuck in the same shitty situation he was in, away from their camps and family.


What he really wanted...

But what he wouldn't get.

It just didn't feel the same.

They had celebrated his birthday together since as long as he could remember.

"Happy Birthday Son!" someone spoke in his mind. "Dad?" Percy asked.

"Yes son. I have a present for you. Happy Birthday!"

"Will it be another sand dollar?"

"You don't like the sand dollar?"

"Of course I did Dad. It helped keep the environment cleaner. Polluted water and all that. And it did help in the war." Percy replied in his mind.

"Well, I promise you will like this. Now go into your room. Your surprise is in there."

"Aw now you made me curious dad."

"Don't take too long." Poseidon grumbled.

"Fine." Percy grumbled back.


Percy went into his room...and "Surprise!"

Sally Jackson, with tears running down her face, was standing in his room with a box of blue cupcakes, cookies and one more box with a small blue cake.

Percy hugged his mother, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he thought about the pain he must have put her through all these months.

"I'm sorry mom." he said.

Sally answered; "What are you apologising for? Let's go celebrate together,  son."

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