The truth

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When your sad all you want to do is sleep in. Not in Zoey's book. This morning we wake up an hour earlier! Her alarm goes off at 4:30.

"Zoey if your alarm wakes us up at 3:30 tomorrow I'm going to be pissed," I say.

"But you love me," Zoey says.

"Yes but I don't like waking up an hour earlier," I say giving her a death glare. "Why are we waking up an hour earlier," I ask. Zoey freezes up then she goes back to normal.

"Just wanted to get an early start on the day," She says. Liar I want to say but I know I won't win the fight.

"And 5:30 isn't early enough?" I say laughing.

"Nope," She says. We get ready and it's only 6 o'clock.

"What do you want to go do?" I ask.

"McDonald's," Zoey says. We go in the car. Zoey turns on the adele CD and turns on number 5 which is remedy which is her favorite. We both sing along.

We get to school. There is a huge crowd. I have a feeling this is what Zoey got me up so early for.

"Zoey what's going on?" I ask.

"I honestly have no clue," Zoey says. Uh oh this is never good. Zoey's plan was ruined what is going to? We walk up to see Tiffany and Sebastian fighting.

"I don't like you! I like Sofie what can't you get through your skull not everyone likes you!" Sebastian says angrily.

"Why do you like her! She isn't better than me. It's suppose to be you and me. Why do you keep trying to be with this little wanna be girl. When it's only you and me," She says. Wow that hurts. I'm about to turn away bit then I heard what Sebastian said.

"She is way better then you! She is kind and sweet. I love the way she gets excited about reading. I like how she acts away from people. She is beyond perfect. When if she doesn't see it. I'll always be there to tell her," he says. My heart melts. He does like me. Everyone says awe. Tiffany on the other hand rolls her eyes and walks away.

Everyone starts to leave. Sebastian see's me. He walks over to me. I see Zoey start to move away I tell ylher to come back but she doesn't. ZOEY! I scream in my head.

"So you heard that last part huh?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah I did," I say as I kick gravel somewhere.

"Look I meant everything I said," he says.

"I know you did and I believe you. I'm sorry I ran from the class room. That I let Tiffany get in my head. I-" he cut me off by talking over me. He cut me of by kissing me. The thing that surprised me I let him. He let go of my face and our foreheads are touching.

"That's a way to shut a girl up," I say.

"Well I needed you to know it's not your fault the past is in the past and the future is ahead," he said. I nodded. He takes my hand and we walk to my locker. Holding hands it feels good to be loved other than by your best friends or you parents. This is different kind of love. Everyone stares but since I got here I don't care.

Author notes

HI guys it's need More ideas about what to add to the story. Please pm me or comment. I can't leave the story so short for you guys. I'm up too 99 read! I hope you guys enjoy.

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