The hotel

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We get to La Quinta. I walk into our room we got 2 rooms mom will sleep in the room with the oldest kids and dad will sleep in the room with the youngest so I'm with mom. Yay... so much joy.... yeah..... no.

Hey what hotel are you staying in?-Sofie

Days Inn why?-Sebastian

Would you sneak out with me to hang out I really don't want to be in this room any longer.-Sofie

Sure why not you only live once right?-Sebastian

Yeah you do.-Sofie

See ya tonight.-Sebastian

Yeah see ya.-Sofie

I unpack while I wait for everyone to go to sleep. I sneak out of the room with the room key on my way out I grab a cup of tea. On my way to meet Sebastian I go.

Sebastian's pov

I'm waiting to go meet Sofie. I told my best friend Jaimie about her. He told me that she didn't have an easy life. I believe it. I leave to go meet Sofie. Jaimie is suppose to let me back in but just in case I brought a key.

I walk out of the hotel and days Inn and La Quinta aren't that far apart. We decided to meet at the car dealer ship. I already see her walking towards it. I don't think she sees me yet.

She has long brown hair that go half way down her back she is a few inches shorter than me. She has blue eyes that shine even when everything else in the world goes bad. Her smile is heat breaking but in a good way. She is just perfect in my eyes.

"Hey," I say shyly.

"Hi," She says back.

"How bad was your room that you had to leave?" I ask.

"I have to be in a room with my mom.who of my wants trophy's and things that make us look nice to where we are the shining stars. Then I'm also in the room with my 2 older sister. They are basically perfect. Perfect skin, perfect nails, perfect hair, perfect GPA. It frustrating being related to them. It's also so stressful they expect me to take home a trophy and they don't even watch my games," She has tears beaming in her eyes. But she doesn't cry not in front of me. She turns away for me probably so I don't see her cry.

"Well don't you have some friends that make it easier on you?" I ask.

"I have Lucy and I had Zoey until she moved to Michigan she comes here to iowa to see me once and year and also plays in the tournament,"She says. Why does the name Zoey ring a bell. But I can't think about that right now. I turn Sofie around. She has tears rolling down her face. I pull her into a hug. She's different from other people that's for sure in a good way.

Sofie's pov

He pulls me into a hug it's warm and I don't want him to let go after a few minutes he does. I feel my heart slowly breaking. I don't know what this new feeling is but I like it. I check the time it's 3 in the morning I better head back to the room. I don't want to but I better before I get caught.

"I better head back to the hotel," I say. I look down at my feet.

"Yeah me too," he says. "Well I'll see you tomorrow.

"Yeah you will," I say. Why do I want him to kiss me? But he doesn't, he turns and walks away.

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