The mall

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We made it to the mall. The mall really isn't that big. At least it has a hot topic. I want to go there first so does Zoey. We might blow all our money there before we get to the party and date clothes. I do then want to go to this party I get a weird feeling thinking about it. I trust Sebastian just not Tiffany.

"Zo what's wrong? You have been acting weird all day," I ask.

"Ever since everyone saw you and Tiffany loop arms and walk to class everyone keeps telling me that your going to leave me for her," Zoey says.

"Zoey why on earth would I do that? Your my best friend. That girl is trying to be my best friend. We have the bond not her ok? If she thinks for a minute she can replace you she is wrong," I say. I hug her. "Let's go have a good time," I say. We both laugh and Zoey nods. I'm not letting this day be a bad day.

We walk into kohl's. We go into shirts first. First we pick out party clothes. I pick out a short sleeve blouse that is blue there is a strip of lace on the sleeves at the top. Zoey picks out a tank top that is tight around her chest but loose at the end so it twirls. The tank top is purple. Zoey picks out white jeans that aren't to tight. I pick out a pair of white skinny jeans.

Now we move onto date clothes. I don't like any of the outfits I put on. I try to convince Zoey that I can wear the party clothes for the date clothes.

"Noooo, he has already seen you in your party clothes though. You need to wear something else! Now go change into this," Zoey says. She hands me a light blue dress that would go down to my knees it had spaghetti straps. If I were to spin around in it. The dress would fly.

"Your crazy right?" I ask.

"Yes now go try it on," Zoey says pushing me towards the dressing room. I put it on. It show my curves at the top but at least you can't see my legs above my knees. I walk out for Zoey to see. She squeals.

"Oh. My. Goodness. Sebastian is going to be speechless when he see's you in that dress!" Zoey says. Still squealing. We go and pay for the stuff and I remember why I never went to kohl's. We walk into hot topic. Zoey and I usually look at the necklaces. Zoey brought me here once when I got of bef one place before China if I would have won I would have gone to China. Zoey brought me here and made me feel better. We looked at necklaces and bracelets. We had fun. Zoey can always make me feel better I love her for it. She is like a sister to me. I'm glad we are in the same town now. We finally head home and get ready for the party. Help me.

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