Chapter 2

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(Ally’s pov)

I walked through the gates onto the school parking lot, from the corner of my eye I saw Miley and Selena getting out of their bright red BMW. I started speed walking towards the school entrance, I practically ran through the halls and came to a stop by my locker I looked around and there was no sign of Selena and Miley. Relieved I opened my locker and started to put my books in it and the other stuff I didn’t need, when I grabbed the last pair of books someone slammed my locker door and slapped the books out of my hands ‘Hi Shorty’ I recognized the voice immediately, it was the same one that has been calling me names for the past 2 years, it was Miley. She put her hand on my shoulder and pushed my against my locker ‘we saw you running over the parking lot you little rat’ Miley said. I looked at my feet trying not to make eye contact ‘she doesn’t even dare to look at us’ Selena said laughing ‘that’s not very polite Shorty’ Miley continued, she tightened her grip on my shoulder and squeezed it painfully ‘Look at me when I talk to you’ Miley said, I glanced up just as she raised her free hand, I quickly closed my eyes and waited for her hand to hit my cheek, 1.. 2.. 3.. her hand made contact with my cheek and a sharp pain shot through my face. I clenched my jaw, my vision started to become blurry because of the tears. She squeezed my shoulder even harder and said ‘Next time you better look at us’ Miley said. She released her grip on my shoulder walked away with Selena by her side. I wiped my tears away, and picked up my books. Just when I was finished the bell rang ‘great, late on the first day’ I sighed grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder a sharp pain shot through my upper arm, I looked at my shoulder where a red/purple mark was now forming, ugh. I quickly ran to my class since I was  already late, fortunately it was math from Miss Angel. I entered the classroom and all attention was directed to me ‘I’m sorry Miss Angel, I overslept’ she smiled at me and said ‘No problem Allyson, take a seat’ fuck I quickly glanced around the classroom, there was one seat left at the back at the class, I glanced back down and quickly made my way towards the seat. I grabbed my notebook and text book from my bag I started doodling in my notebook ‘this girl will probably hate me now for sitting next to her without even asking her ugh’ I thought. The sound of her voice shook me out of my thoughts ‘Hi I’m Normani’ She told me I glanced up to look at her and she looked at me with an astonished expression ‘I’m Ally’ I said shyly, ‘wow’ was all she said, I looked at her surprised by her reaction, she looked really embarrassed, I glanced back down again and started fidgeting with my fingers. ‘Sorry’ She apologised, ‘It’s just.. your eyes.. wow’ She said, I looked back up again to face her and flashed her a small smile ‘Thanks’. I continued doodling some flowers and butterflies in my notebook when she started talking again ‘Are you new at Miami High?’ I stopped doodling and turned my body in my chair so I could look at her, she was stunning, she had beautiful dark brown orbs and long wavy brown hair cascading over her shoulders, ‘no, this is my third year hear’ I finally said. She looked a bit puzzled ‘I’ve never seen you around here.’ She said, ‘Well, I’m kind of short so maybe that’s why’ I said jokingly mental face palm seriously Ally..

To my surprise she started laughing. ‘Well where you do you live, because I never see you around’ I laughed at her interest ‘1108 sunset Blvd’ I said, ‘NO WAY!’ she exclaimed ‘My best friend Dinah lives there too’ ‘Oh I see her little sister Kamila sometimes with another little girl’ I said. ‘Yes that’s Regina that’s her other sister’ She smiled god she has a beautiful smile, the fuck Ally stop your straight stop it. You’re with troy, she’s just being nice. ‘Are you OK?’ she asked while waving a hand in front of my face ‘oh huh sorry’ I blurted out ‘I kind of zoned out what where you saying?’ I asked, she started laughing and Miss Angel send us a stern look ‘I asked if I could see your schedule’ she said. I pulled the paper out of my pocket and handed it to her and she started to compare it with hers ‘We’ve almost every class together except for Spanish’ she told me excited ‘Awesome’ I said and with that the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff threw my bag over my shoulder ‘Bye Ally! See you around’ Normani called after me, I shyly waved at her and headed out for my next class, Spanish.

(Normani’s pov)

My second period was English by Mr. Lopez, I was a little late so there were only two places left, and since I didn’t want to sit alone I sat next to a girl with long dark brown straightened hair with the most beautiful green eyes. She introduced herself as Lauren Jauregui, and it turned out she’s in my music, PE and English class. When the bell rang she looked kind of lost so I asked her if she wanted to join me and Dinah for lunch, she nodded her head excited and I told her to come to my locker when she was finished. I grabbed the stuff I needed and waited patiently for Lauren and Dinah. Lauren appeared a minute later with a little white bag in her hand which I guess is her PE equipment. We talked a bit and waited for Dinah to arrive. When she finally arrived a girl not much taller than Ally with a really tiny frame was following her ‘MANIBEAR!’ she exclaimed ‘This is Camila, she’s in my English class’ she said pointing to the small girl, Camila glanced up flashing us a shy smile ‘hi’ she said. We all greeted her and waited for Dinah to grab her stuff.

Together we made our way to the cafeteria when at once we heard a loud thud coming from the hall around the corner, we picked up our speed to see what was going on. Two tall girls where slapping and kicking a little girl curled up on the ground, when I got closer I recognized the two tall girls it were Miley and Selena they’re like the school bully’s, well they think they’re.. they only pick on the freshman’s who can’t defend themselves and are very short. When I came even closer, I finally recognized the girl on the floor, it was Ally! I could hear her muffled cries every time they kicked her, I stepped forward pushed Miley so she stumbled backwards, Selena immediately stopped  to see what was going on ‘what the fuck do you think you’re doing!?’ I screamed at them, they just laughed at me and said ‘Learning Shorty some manners’ shorty this got me even more angry ‘shorty has a name’ I said through gritted teeth. Selena just shrugged and Miley turned to Ally ready to kick her again, before she could do anything I lunged forward and punched her in the nose, she fell back against the locker and held her nose, a grimace forming on her face when she saw the blood which was dripping from it. Dinah grabbed my arms and held me back ‘Normani stop!’ she told me ‘Don’t you ever dare to fucking touch her again or I will not only punch your nose!’ I screamed aggressively at her ‘Get the fuck out of here!’ Dinah screamed at them when she finally released her grip on me. I ran over to Ally and crouched down next to her, all the other girls were looking at her with a worried expression. I could hear Ally’s muffled cries, I sat her up straight and helped her to stand up, she grabbed her stomach with a grimace, there was blood dripping from her nose, I quickly got a tissue from my bag and held it against her nose and walked to the closest bathroom, Ally sat down beside the sink while Lauren got some toilet paper for her nose. When the bleeding stopped Ally finally spoke, ‘thanks’ she said in a low voice. She stood up again but grabbed her stomach in pain, Dinah helped her to stand up straight, while I slowly lifted her shirt up to see the damage, there were several dark purple bruises on her hip and stomach but they didn’t seem too bad. ‘I’m sorry Ally’ I said in a sad tone, ‘it’s not your fault’ she assured me. While I was talking to Ally, Lauren and Camila were standing awkwardly behind Dinah, I totally forgot that they don’t know her yet, ‘Oh! Ally this is Lauren and that is Camila’ I said pointing to the tiny girl, Ally smiled ‘I’m Ally, thanks for helping with my nose Lauren’ ‘no problem’ Lauren responded with a kind smile.

We all left the bathroom and went to the cafeteria to finally get something to eat we all took a plate and Camila walked away saying that she was going to find a table. ‘Should I bring her something too?’ Dinah asked ‘maybe she brings her own lunch to school’ Lauren answered. We all got something to eat and saw Camila sitting at a table in the corner of the cafeteria we walked over and sat down. ‘dawg I wanted to bring you something but I wasn’t sure if you brought something from home’ Dinah said/asked ‘It’s ok’ Camila said with a kind smile ‘I’m not hungry’ Lauren looked at her suspiciously ‘Ok dawg if you say so’ Dinah replied laughing

[a/n] second chapter hope you like it, i will update once or twice a day (:

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