Chapter 13

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*trigger warning

(Lauren’s pov)

‘Yes sweetie’ there is was again, he looked at me with a worried expression on his face and started to walk towards the bed. With every step I took I crawled further backwards on the bed until my back hit the headboard ‘Lauren what’s wrong?’ he said while reaching his hand out towards me ‘NO!’ I yelled, he looked at me strangely and put his hand on my shoulder ‘Lauren?’ he said in a worried but stern voice, I swatted his hand away and rolled off the bed into the corner ‘GET AWAY FROM ME!’, out of the corner of my eyes I saw Camila kneeling next to me ‘Lo what’s wrong?’ She whispered. I didn’t answer her, but when my dad moved towards me again I screamed ‘HE RAPED ME’, Camila looked at me in shock, and my father looked at me with a blank expression on his face. ‘Lauren what did you just say?’ I heard a voice say, my mother was standing in the doorway with a shocked expression on her face, ‘You were the one who raped me!’ I yelled at my father again. His expression changed, it showed shock but there was also guilt present in his eyes. I started to cry and my dad took a step back, Camila wrapped my arms around me and rocked me back and forth against her chest ‘Ssh Lolo’ she whispered in a soothing voice. ‘Michael please tell me that’s not true’ I heard my mother say, when my dad didn’t answer she shook her head in shock and a tear ran down her cheek, she walked towards me, grabbed my hand and tried to pull me and Camila out of the room away from my dad. ‘She deserved it’ he murmured almost inaudible, ‘she what?!’ My mother yelled at him, ‘SHE FUCKING DESERVED IT!’ he yelled, clenching his fist – his knuckles turning white. ‘What kind of sick man would rape his own daughter!’ she yelled. ‘It was a onetime thing!’ he yelled ‘I was DRUNK!’ he screamed. Camila released her grip on my arm and walked over to my dad ‘YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT, NOT THE ALCOHOL, DON’T BLAME IT ON THE FREAKING ALCOHOL’ She screamed right in his face, ‘Little shit, you don’t even know what you’re talking about’ he replied, by now Camila was furious ‘I PRACTICALLY RAPED HER SATURDAY NIGHT WHEN I WAS DRUNK AND TRIED TO BLAME IT ON THE ALCOHOL, AND I HATE MYSELF FOR IT, HOW COULD YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF, SEEING HER EVERY DAMN DAY, I COULDN’T EVEN LOOK HER IN THE EYES FOR A MINUTE, AND YOU DID IT FOR 2 YEARS, TWO DAMN YEARS YOU HID FROM YOUR FAMILY’ she exploded, my mother looked at my with a shocked expression on her face but I just shook my head. His face turned sad for a millisecond but turned angry immediately after ‘You did what?’ he said through gritted teeth, before pushing Camila backwards with a huge force. She fell against the wall with a loud thud but quickly scrambled up he stepped closer the her and formed a fist with his hand ‘STOP’ I screamed but before I could do something, he punched her straight in the face. Camila fell to the side hitting her head on my nightstand, the corner broke off due to the force, she was lying on the ground motionless. I ran towards her but my mom pulled me back ‘Call 911’ she whispered almost inaudible.

(No one’s pov)

Ally, Dinah and Normani were hiding in the corner of the guest room where they were sleeping that night, they heard screaming coming from the other room, which they supposed was Lauren’s bedroom, It was six in the morning their parents would be here soon, but they were terrified.

Clara quickly stepped towards Michael pulling the big man away from Camila, she was still lying on the ground, motionless, a puddle of blood forming around her head. She pushed Michael into the corner and tried her best to keep him there, he was furious by now. She heard a shriek behind her and saw Taylor in the doorway hands over her mouth watching the scene ‘Taylor go downstairs now and take Chris with you, NOW!’ Clara said as calm as possible ‘YOU’RE MAKING THEM THINK THAT I’M A MONSTER’ Michael yelled. ‘BECAUSE YOU ARE! YOU RAPED YOU’RE OWN FREAKING DAUGHTER, YOU JUST KNOCKED OUT A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL’ Clare screamed on the verge of tears ‘LOOK AT HER, SHE’S FUCKING BLEEDING TO DEATH OVER THERE’ she continued ‘BECAUSE OF YOU!’ she finished. ‘I married a sick man’ she said through gritted teeth.

Meanwhile Camila’s parents were still in the living room, watching with a worried expression on their face as Lauren called the police, she walked to the kitchen so Camila’s parents couldn’t hear her. Lauren just hung up the phone, as she saw Taylor and Chris coming down the stairs, Chris had his arms around Taylor who was sobbing hysterically. Lauren ran to the front door opening it like the operator instructed her to. She locked all the windows and backdoors. ‘Lauren could you please tell us what is going on’ she panicked ‘please stay here’ she said before running to the staircase. She was about to ran upstairs when she heard Chris ‘Don’t!’ he yelled ‘he’ll hurt you’ he finished. She ignored her little brother and ran upstairs, Clara was in the corner trying her best to calm Michael down, so he would stay away from Camila. Camila was on the ground in a puddle of her own blood, she kneeled down next to her turning the unconscious girl around and cradling her in her lap.

Downstairs the door flew open, and 5 armed police men stormed through, with 2 paramedics, they motioned Chris and Taylor to go outside, but Camila’s parents wouldn’t budge ‘WHAT IS GOING ON’ they yelled. A police men forced them out of the door and together they made their way upstairs. The police men pulled Clara away from Michael and hand cuffed him, taking him out of the room while the paramedics rushed over to Camila and told Lauren to let her go, they laid her down on a stretcher and quickly made their way outside to the ambulance, Lauren quickly running after them, Camila’s parents broke down in tears when they saw their daughter on the stretcher being carried out of the house into the ambulance. Lauren climbed into the back of the ambulance, since Camila’s parents were in shock.  

Ally, Normani and Dinah all screamed as two police men came barging into the room, ‘Is everyone ok?’ he asked, they quickly nodded their head, ‘please, you need to go outside’ he said while helping them up. They didn’t ask anything and quickly ran outside, they saw an ambulance rush off and Lauren’s dad handcuffed in the back of a police car, Lauren and Camila were nowhere to be found. Clare, Sinuhe and Alejandro were crying hysterically, and quickly pulled the girls in for a hug when she saw the questioning looks of the girls.

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