Chapter 17

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"Push Mrs. Perez! Push!" The nurse kept yelling to me. By now I was tired as fuck cuz I've been here for 3 hours. I was pushing as hard as I could.

"I don't think I can do this anymore," I said out of breath.

"C'mon baybeh, I know you can do this," Aug looked at me with them beautiful brown eyes making me think about my baybeh, cuz I want her to have the same eyes as him which gave me motivation to keep pushing.

"I can see the head. You're almost there," the nurse said.

I pushed every single ounce of energy I had left out of me, then I heard a baby crying signaling I was finally finished.

I laid down on the hospital bed trying to catch my breath then I felt someone's hand on top of mine and I turned my head seeing Aug standing there with a watermelon smile planted on his face.

"You did it baybeh."

I nodded, "I know." I looked around the room not seeing my baybeh that I just pushed out making me panic.

"Where's my damn baybeh?!" I tried to get up but Aug held me down.

"They're just cleaning her up. Chill out bae. Everything's under control."

I took a breath of relief then laid down, relaxing.

All of a sudden, I heard a baybeh crying making me shit up seeing my baybeh. The nurse came over with my baybeh so I held my hands out and she handed her over to me.

I held her in my arms just staring at her. She was beautiful. I looked up at the ceiling and started to thank God for this beautiful baybeh that me and my husband created. Just looking at her brought tears to my eyes. It's so amazing that we've come this far and made a child.

"Can I hold her?"

I looked up seeing Aug and I smiled. "Of course you can. It's your baybeh too." I handed her to him and just watched how he was mesmerized by her the second she was in his arms.

I heard a knock at the door seeing everyone coming in (my mama, mama Sheila, Chris, Trey, Kim, and Tasha).

"Are you okay princess?" My mama came over to the side of the bed.

I chuckled, "Yes ma, I'm perfect."

"It sounded like you was in a lot of pain boo," Tasha stood beside my mama.

I nodded, "I was, but all that pain went to the back of my head once she was put into my arms."


I feel like I fell in love all over again as soon as she was put into my arms. All I could do was stare at her beautiful face. Looking at her made me think of Tina cuz they looked very much alike, especially from the baybeh pictures that I've seen of her.

I didn't really pay attention to what everyone around me was saying. As I was looking at my baybeh, I don't know why but a name popped in my head.

"Shayna," I said making everyone stop talking.

I looked over at Tina with a smirk on my face. "It means beautiful."

She smiled, "I love it and on that note, I think I came up with a middle name."

"Really? Lemme hear it." I gave her my full attention.

"Well, I was thinking umm,  Akuti cuz it means princess and that's all I can think of when I look at her. She's my little princess."

I smiled looking down at our baybeh. "Shayna Akuti Alsina."

I looked back at my wife. "Perfect."


After a while in the hospital, they finally let Tina and Shayna come home. I can only imagine what Tina's going through so I'm just gonna let her rest while I take care of Shayna, which wasn't really a problem for me cuz I loved being around her.

I could already tell she's a goofball just like her mama. Everything I did was funny to her. No matter what it was, she still laughed.

Right now I was laying in the bed with my wife sleeping beside me while my child is sleeping on my chest. It's moments like these that I live for. I can just stare at my queen and my princess all day.

I looked up at the ceiling and just thanked God for the blessings that he's giving me. I don't think I could ask for anything better than what I have right here in my bed except for probably more children. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and guess who I saw.

"Waddup lil bruh?"

"Wuzzam Mel.. what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to congratulate you on yo new born." He dapped me up.

"Thanks man, you always told me she was the one for me."

"Yea, I could tell from how she talked about you, fought for you, cared for you, loved you, looked at you, all of that. I'm glad you made the right choice by proposing cuz you two belong together."

"I figured that cuz nobody can make me feel the way she makes me feel. It's like every time she smiles at me, touches me, kisses me, I get butterflies like how it was in our younger days."

He chuckled, "I'm glad you've finally grown into the man you've always talked about being. Now let me get going cuz I gotta go and talk to Tina real quick." He started walking away.

"Ight, I love you man."

He turned around and gave me a hug, "I love you too yung, and don't you ever forget it."

He left and I fell asleep thinking about how this little girl will change my life.

I can honestly say that my wife and my child are the best things that has ever happened to me


Sorry it took me so long, I jus had alotta things to do

Comment for any ideas

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter

I love you guys!

Amosc @og.lilnae

[Book 1] Even Thugs Can Fall in Love (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now