Chapter 18

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These past couple of weeks have been perfect. My family is perfect. Aug's music career is perfect. I've spoken to someone that Karlie has hooked me up with to open up another salon in NYC so my business is perfect.

Shayna is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I couldn't ask for anything better except for more kids cuz that's what I'm planning on having.

Right now I was up at 7 o'clock in the morning cuz Shayna woke me up with her crying and now that I'm up, I can't go back to sleep. So I was in the bed watching TV while Aug was sleeping beside me and Shayna was laying on my chest, playing in my hair.

As I was laying here, I started getting hungry so I grabbed Shayna, picking her up and taking her downstairs with me in the kitchen. I put her in her baby chair while I got everything out to make breakfast since I knew that Aug was gonna wake up soon.

While I was cooking, I heard footsteps coming downstairs then moments later, I felt a kiss being planted on my cheek.

"Good morning Pookie," I smiled turning around wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Good morning Looney," he placed his hands on my hips and placed a kiss on my lips.

He turned around seeing Shayna which put a big smile on his face and he went over there playing with her which put a smile to my face. I loved the way they interacted with each other.

While I was cooking, I was doing a lot of thinking about my past and it kind of got me all messed up cuz it's something I've never told anyone about. Not Aug, not Chris, not even my own mama. It's always something I tried to put to the back of my mind but it's something about this moment with Aug and Shayna that got to me.


I was standing there playing with Shayna until I heard sobbing, so I turned around and saw Tina at the table with her head down. I was confused as fuck cuz she was just happy a few minutes ago. I'm starting to think she's bipolar.

I walked over to her and sat by her putting my arm around her shoulders and rubbing her arm with my thumb. After a couple minutes of her crying, she finally calmed down, but she still wouldn't look at me so I lifted her head up so we were face to face looking into her watery red eyes.

"What's wrong baybeh?" I pouted.

She sniffed, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. It was a long time ago and I was too ashamed to tell anyone. Not even my own mother knows."

I sighed, "Baybeh, tell me what you're talking about."

She looked down but I lifted her head back up and nodded at her to signal that she could tell me.

She took a deep breath before talking. "After you left in high school, I was under a lot of stress and I was experiencing a lot of changes in my body and come to find out I was umm.. I was umm-"

"C'mon baybeh, just say it," I pleaded.

"I found out I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage."

When she said that, my whole body got numb while she laid her head back down on the table crying.

I can't believe I was the cause of her miscarriage. My seed was gone and it was all because of me. Me and my selfish actions. If I would've just listened to Tina when she said to quit the job with Bang then I would've had two children.

I looked down at Tina and pulled her in my arms while she laid her head in my chest and a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I'm sorry August, this was all my fault. I should've been more aware of my actions," she sniffed.

I shook my head and kissed her forehead. "Don't blame yourself for any of this cuz it's all my fault. I'm the one who left putting you under a lot of stress. I was the one who was being hard-headed cuz I was more focused on the money. I was being selfish, so none of this is your fault."

We stayed there quiet for a moment until she spoke again. "You know.." she sat up, "every night, Mel comes into my dreams and shows me our baybeh. He's always telling me that he's taking good care of him." She smiled, "He looks just like you."

Hearing that brought tears to my eyes. Sometimes I see Mel with a child in his hands in my dreams, but I never asked who he was and I never really payed attention, but now I know that it's my son.. our son and his nephew.

I looked up at the ceiling, "Thanks Mel, for taking care of little Aug for us."

Hearing Shayna cry made both of us get up and go to her. I picked her up from the baby chair while rocking her and singing her a song that my mama used to sing to me all the time.

Baby mine, don't you cry.
Baby mine, dry your eyes.
Rest your head, close to my heart,
Never to part, baby of mine.

Little one, when you play,
Pay no heed, what they say.
Let your eyes sparkle and shine,
Never a tear, baby of mine.

If they knew all about you,
They'd end up loving you too.
All those same people who scold you,
What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

From your head down to your toes,
You're not much, goodness knows.
But, you're so precious to me,
Sweet as can be, baby of mine.

After I finished singing to her, she started staring at me then a smile crept on her face laughing afterwards.

"You so goofy Beautiful," I laughed along with her.

After I put her down, I looked back seeing the table already set for us to eat.
"When did you do this?" I asked confused.

She chuckled and sat, "Well, while you were playing with Princess, I set the table. You probably were so distracted that you didn't hear anything but her laughs and you couldn't see anything but her face."

I sat down scratching my head, "Well I guess I do get a little carried away sometimes."

"It's okay, I do the same thing. I enjoy every second of the presence of my princess."

"You know I love you, right?"

She smiled, "Yes, and I  love you too."

Then Shayna started whining making us laugh. Tina got up and kissed her, "I love you too Princess."

As soon as she said that, Shayna stopped whining and just laughed making us both laugh again.

This girl is something else man.


One big happy family.. lovely

Tell me in the comments whatchu think n if there's any ideas you would like to add

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter

I love you guys!

Amosc @og.lilnae

[Book 1] Even Thugs Can Fall in Love (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now