Chapter 24

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Today we're going house hunting and I already made a call to someone that I'm cool with and we met up with them at around 1:00 pm.

It was 10:00 in the morning and Tina was not trying to get up but I had to wake her up because she be taking forever to get dressed.

Instead of just waking her up, I decided to cook some breakfast because her ass always ready to eat no matter how tired she is. Shayna was already awake so I took her downstairs with me and put her in the baby chair while I made pancakes, bacon, and oatmeal since I know she hates eggs.


As I was waking up, I opened up my eyes seeing that Aug wasn't in the bed and Shayna wasn't in the crib so I started panicking.

"Where the fuck are my baybehs?" I jumped out of bed but then when I smelled food coming from downstairs I took a deep sigh of relief.

I looked at the time on my phone seeing that it was 10:13 am so I took the time to take a shower so I would be fully awake.

As I was in the shower, it felt like all of my stress went down the drain. I love the feeling of the nice warm water hitting my skin when I first wake up.

After I finished washing my body and conditioning my hair, I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around me, drying myself off then putting on some clothes from my closet after doing my regular hygiene routine.

I didn't bother doing my makeup and hair yet because I know breakfast is probably almost done by now so I just had my hair in a messy bun.

Once I walked downstairs I could see Aug trying to make Shayna stop crying but she just kept screaming.

"Aww.. whats wrong princess?" I baby talked as I grabbed her from Aug's grip.

"I don't know what's wrong. I tried everything that I could possibly think of. She's not hungry, she's not sleepy, I already changed her-"

Once he seen Shayna stop crying, he just stopped and stared. "How did you do that?"

I chuckled, "Maybe she just wanted to see her mommy.. isn't that right princess?" I baby talked and she started laughing.

While Aug was fixing our plates of food the doorbell rang. "I'll get it.."

I got up from the table and walked towards the door opening it. As soon as I seen who it was, before she could say anything I closed the door in her face and tried to walk away but she rang the doorbell and knocked on the door again.

I sighed turning around and opening the door again. "What do you want Nicki?" I asked with an attitude.

"Look just hear me out. I came here to apologize." She explained.

I nodded, "Well I'm waiting.."

"I know you're mad at me and you have every right to because of my behavior towards August and you. I just wanted to apologize for disrespecting you and your marriage. It was very stupid of me to try something like that, it's just that I'm jealous of the relationship that y'all have because it's something that every girl dreams of having. I'm not saying that you have to accept my apology, I just wanted to get something off my chest before I leave to go back home."

"Well.. I appreciate you coming over here and apologizing. Have a nice flight home." I closed the door then went back to the table to eat.

After we said grace we started eating while making small conversation. "Who was that at the door earlier?" Aug asked.

"Nicki.." I mumbled.

"Really? What she say?"

"She just apologized for her actions but you know I don't accept people's apologizes until I actually see a change so I just told her that I appreciate her for apologizing and to have a nice flight," I shrugged.


After we finished eating, I dressed Shayna and laid her down in her crib since she was falling asleep.

While I was in the bathroom doing my makeup I saw Aug come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist and kissing all on my neck and shit.

I turned around with a smile on my face and wrapped my arms around his neck. "What do you want baybeh?" I said as he was still kissing on my neck and rubbing my booty.


I chuckled, "The baby is in the room."

"We can go in the guestroom." He looked up at me.

I bit my lip then grabbed his hands, guiding him to the guestroom.

I laid on the bed as he pulled my off my ripped tights and panties. After that he pulled down his pants and boxers revealing his hard member.

To be honest, we haven't had sex ever since Shayna was born so I'm glad that this is happening.

As he climbed on top, he kept on teasing me by rubbing the tip against my entrance.

"Daddy.." I moaned. "Stop teasing me and just put it in. We don't have that much time."

After I said that, he just rammed himself inside of me catching me off guard so I screamed but he cut me off by smashing his lips into mine so it was just a bunch of mumbled moans.

The feeling of him sliding in and out of me feels so good. He was taking long deep strokes just the way I like it making me bang against the headboard constantly.

"Yes daddy, just like that.." I moaned. I was getting ready to cum so I flipped us over so I was on top.

I started grinding and moving my hips around in circles making him grunt and moan. He placed his hands on my hips moving perfectly with me as we both came at the same time.

We both laid beside each other out of breathe until I realized that we still had to meet up with someone for the houses.

"C'mon, we gotta go before we be too late for the meeting." We both got up from the bed and put our clothes back on getting ready to go.



"This right here is house number one," Cassie, the realtor, stated showing us the house.

As she was showing us around the house, I could already tell from the look on Tina's face that she didn't like it.

"So how do you like it?" Cassie smiled after showing us the whole house.

"Look, I already know that we're gonna be here all day if you show me a whole bunch of house then save the best for last, so just show us the best house you have in store for us," Tina explained with Shayna on her hip.

She nodded, "Alright, well follow me."

When we arrived at the house, I can honestly say that I was impressed and by the look on Tina's face, she was impressed too.

She smiled and looked at me, "This looks nice, I hope the inside fits the outside."

When we walked in, it's what me and Tina have always talked about. A nice sized garage for both of our many cars. A pool out back. A jacuzzi right beside it. A nice sized kitchen and living room. A theater room. A huge, walk-in closet. A huge master bedroom downstairs. 4 bedrooms upstairs. Everything you can imagine.

"So what do you-" Cassie started.

"We'll take it!" Tina blurted.

She chuckled, "Alright, well all you have to do is sign a couple papers and the house is yours."

"Well then let's get to signing.."


Sorry it took me so long to update but what do y'all think?

I know it was kinda borin but I have some plans for later on

If you have any ideas or something, then comment

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter


[Book 1] Even Thugs Can Fall in Love (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now