back to school.

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"Lily, where are you?"

"Lily, answer your phone."

"I hope you're safe."

"Call me back when you get this message."

I tried calling, but there was no answer, call me ASAP.

As Lily fluttered her eyes open, she saw Sarah looking at her—with a huge grin. She shyly smiled and buried her head in the pillow.

"Good morning." Sarah giggled.

"Good morning." She murmured back into the pillow. Eventually looking back at Sarah, biting her lip softly, remembering what happened last night.

"What?" Sarah whispered, bringing a hand up to brush the younger blonde's hair out of her face.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about last night." She replied, trying to hold back her smile.

"Oh really?" The teacher raised a brow.

Lily nodded in response, shuffling her naked body close to Sarah's. Just the feeling of their bare bodies touching hit her straight in the core. Their legs tangled together, nothing felt more right.

As Lily looked up at the blonde, Sarah met her half way with a soft kiss. "God, you're perfect." The older woman practically moaned.

Lily smiled a toothy grin back, kissing her again—this time more passionate. Their lips moved together perfectly, at the perfect rhythm. Everything was perfect.

"This feels so right." Lily broke the kiss softly.

"Because it is."

"But, technically it isn't. I mean, you're my teacher. You could get in trouble." The student frowned.

"Don't worry. We can be discreet, can't we?" Sarah whispered the last bit, sending shivers down Lily's spine.

"Well..." Lily chuckled, kissing Sarah again, lifting herself slightly for better access to slip her tongue into her teacher's mouth.

Sarah's hands soon found their way to Lily's waist, gradually sliding down to cup her ass. Lifting her to straddle her own hips, she made sure not to break the kiss. Lily let her blonde locks drape over Sarah's shoulders, tickling her neck.

When Lily finally broke the kiss for air, her eyes widened. "Shit. What time is it?"

"7:00am. We have an hour before we have to leave for school, and I need to shower." Sarah groaned.

Lily collapsed on top of Sarah's body letting out a whine. "I don't wanna go to school, I wish we could just stay here in bed."

"Me too." The teacher replied softy. "Wanna take a shower with me?"

"Yeah." Biting her lip, the younger woman got up from the bed and pulled Sarah along with her by her hands.

As they pulled up to the school, Lily reached for her phone out of her bag. She immediately saw 5 missed calls and a text from her dad. "Oh crap."

"What is it?" The teacher pushed her glasses up to rest on her head.

"My dad. He tried to call me a bunch of times, and he left messages." She sighed, putting her phone in her pocket. She looked out the window at the other students, the back at Sarah. "Do you think people will catch on, like us arriving at school together?"

"Fuck them." Sarah giggled, grabbing her handbag from the backseat and getting out the car—which Lily followed.

The day seemed to drag by slowly, but it was finally lunch and Lily met up with Julia. Julia was Lily's best friend, even though they didn't hang out with each other outside of school much, they were always together in school.

"So.. Miss. Paulson." Julia teased, sitting down on the opposite side to Lily in the canteen.

"What about her?" Lily replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"She gave you a ride this morning, I saw you both."

"She saw me walking and offered to bring me, it was cold this morning so I wasn't gonna turn down a free ride." The blonde winked.

"Hmm. Sure.." Julia replied, letting out a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked, almost defensively.

"Nothing, nothing. Just, be careful." The brunette replied calmly. "I think I have an idea of what's going on, and I don't want you getting caught."

"What are you talking about, oh my God!!" Lily laughed.

"I'm not stupid, I know you're totally sleeping with her. But! I'm not bothered, I know she makes you happy because I see it. So I'm just making sure you know what you're doing."

"I'm not sleeping with Miss. Paulson! What the fuck, you're so mad." Lily diverted her eyes away from Julia, playing with her food.

"Alright, okay." Her friend winked back.

"Lily! Thank God, I thought something happened to you!" David sighed down the phone.

"I'm fine dad, I'm in school. Don't worry." It was a free period for Lily so she was sat in the library, and thought she better call her dad to let him know she was alright.

"Where were you last night? I came home and you were gone." He questioned.

"I was... At a friends."

"What friend?"

"J-Julia's!" She replied nervously.

"Oh. Well next time, I'd appreciate it if you told me before running off like that." He sighed again. "I was worried."

"I'm sorry, I was just upset and needed to get out."

"Don't be upset, I've sorted it all. And you won't hear from Hamish again."

"Thank you dad, really." She smiled faintly.

"It's okay. Now, I must get back to this paperwork. You're coming straight home right?"

"I think so, if not I'll text you, okay?"

"Alright, love. Bye now." The man replied softly.

"Bye, dad."

A/N: short, crappy update but I needed to update oops. This one is boring I apologize!!

the teacher // raulson Where stories live. Discover now