six months.

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lily's pov.

The day finally arrived—and I didn't know how to feel about it.. nervous? excited? I couldn't quite control my emotions, but I knew most of all, I felt guilty. I felt like it was all my fault, a part of me thought that it should never have happened, we would never end up here. But the other part of me blamed my Father. Everything was going good, we were so in love. And it all crashed and burnt down—thanks to him.

It had been six months, that's how long she got. Six months in fucking prison. They said she would never be allowed to teach again, that broke her heart. It broke my heart just seeing her go through that. That's why I don't know what to expect. Will she be happy to see me?

I know I've missed her... At first I went through endless nights of crying. I moved out, away from my Father as soon as I could, then I got used to being alone— even though I never stopped thinking about her. School was never the same without her, I even dropped out of English because she didn't teach it anymore. Even the classes felt like they were on for hours and it felt strange not to see her after the school day had ended. It was just an empty classroom at first, but then some bald guy replaced her. It made me angry, nobody even noticed she was gone.

Now that I've graduated, I've been on my own. I got a weekend job in a cafe around the corner from where I live, that lasts me for food and stuff. Luckily the house was already bought for me, I just needed to graduate so I could move in. I don't see my Father anymore, and I won't. I still get flashbacks from that night, there was so much yelling. He didn't even give us a chance to talk, he just went crazy. I'd never seen him act that way before and it scared me.

To me, I think it's stupid to put somebody away for being in love. Yes she was my teacher, so what? We can't help who we fall in love with. I just wished I was eighteen at the time, then she wouldn't have gotten in as much trouble. But because I was seventeen, it was classed as 'having sex with a minor'. It's all bullshit. But hey, I'm eighteen now and she isn't my teacher so what's stopping us? I just hope she feels the same. What if she's mad at me? To be honest, I would be mad at me too if I was her, she got all the blame.

A/N: hello, it's been forever i know ;) but i'm on holiday in turkey atm and i wrote this on the beach, so im going to try and update as much as possible!! I hope you guys like this chapter, i wanted it to be a little different from the other teacher/student fics :)
- abs

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