5) ways to annoy directionAtors

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Again for my directioners! ❤️❤️

speak in a Brittish/ Irish accent all day

Sing one of their albums on a really long bus/car ryde

when someone who's a directionator asks a question screm NO JIMMY PROTESTED!

Scream when someone mentions Curly hair, carrots, spoons, potatoes and anything to do with 1D

Tell your directioner friends your sueing them because they like Niall and that they think he's the cuttest. If they ask why? just scream HE'S MINE!

Say 'Vas Happening' instead of 'what's happening?'

Tell your mum youv met a guy and you think your in love, Make it sound really serious, then when she skd what his name is say, Harlia Nialou Zay. Then say you have a pic and shower a pic of 1D morphed together!

pretend to have a heart attack when people say they dont like One Direction. Also scream OOWW YOUR GIVING ME HEAR ATTACK!

Eat your soup with an fork and say "I'd rather liquify my pants than disrespect Liam, GEEZ mum did'nt anyone teach you Manners."

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