Ch.14 Control

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I looked at my orange hair floating around me. I still couldn't believe it. The words that grampa told me still ringed through my ears.


Apparently, I was in sage mode.

Wasn't I supposed to train for this like my dad did? What if this isn't even Sage mode, but something else.

I kept asking myself that. I did have a contract with the toads of Mt. Myoboku, but never trained with them. I could summon them though.

"Watch out Ruka!" I heard Takashi yell as he tackled me to the ground. As we fell, I saw many kunai fly past us. I looked back at Takashi to see his cheek cut.

We landed on the ground and I started wiping the blood of his cheek.

"Its ok." He said while applying his hand, glowing green, on his cheek. Instantly, the cut healed.

"I'm sorry guys. I was deep in thought." Dad landed next to us and nodded.

"It's ok Ruka. You were probably thinking about your Sage mode." Dad told me.

I looked at him shocked. So it was Sage mode.

"But I never did any training." Dad frowned.

"I know. Thats what I'm trying to figure out." Despite of me surpassing him somehow, he seemed proud. Can't wait to teach my little sis this.

"We should keep going. Jiraiya-sama could be getting farther away." Shunsuke pointed out.

Suddenly, I felt one more chakra signature.

"Or closer!" I got up just in time to block some shurikin thown at us with my kunai.

I felt Shunsuke activate his sharingan. I looked to the left, and sure enough, Jiraiya was charging at us with a rasengan in his hand.

Without knowing, I was also charging at him with a rasengan in my hand. Once I hit, I realized what I had done. Everyone looked at me shocked.

I lost my concentration. Using this as an advantage, Jiraiya punshed me in the gut, sending me back.

Takashi caught me, but when back along with me. We finally stopped after about five trees.

"You ok?" Takashi asked me with me on his lap. I blushed. It was pretty akward. I nodded and got up.

I saw Shunsuke pull out his kunai and run behind dad after Jiraiya. I tried to create the rasengan, but I couldn't for some reason.

"Why can't I do it?" I yelled out loud in desperation. The two were gettting beaten up pretty badly.

"Maybe you can only do it when in danger." I looked back to see Takashi getting up while holding his side. He went to heal it, only to have me beat him to it. He wasn't expecting that.

"What do you mean 'when in danger'?" I didn't look him in the eyes, focusing on healing his injuries. He was kind of reckless sometimes. But so much potential.

"You never knew how to do it before. You never had Sage mode before. You developed Sage mode when you were near death. You created the rasengan when Jiraiya went to attack us. Makes sense, no?" I considered it. It was true though.

"So all this is just a defensive reaction?"

"You are the daughter of the Nine-tails jinchuuriki." I flinched.

I knew Takashi regreted his words because he started saying 'i'm sorry' so many times, he could have written a twenty page book with just saying i'm sorry.

I put my pointer finger ontop his mouth to shut him up. "Its ok. You're forgiven." He calmed down after that.

"AHH!" I looked towards the fight to see Shunsuke falling down with a huge slash in his stomach. I screamed and ran towards him with Takashi behind me.

I bent down beside him looking terrifired. He was bleeding so much his black shirt had turned a crimson red. I felt my sadness and fear turn to rage. I started growling while I healed him. The green chakra around my hands turned red as my rage grew. Shunsuke opened his eyes.

"'re hurting me....." I ignored him, too busy thinking of ways to kill Jiraiya painfully.

He grabbed my hands tightly. I looked at him. "Ruka! STOP!" He went into a sob.

I stopped healing him looking down at his wound. Instaed of closing it, I managed to open it even more.

"RUKA!" I followed the voice and saw dad yelling at me. Takashi ran over to Shunsuke and me. I fell back. I closed my eyes, letting all of the sound and colors of the world fade.

I opened my eyes to see gramps again.

"What do you want! Just let me die!" Gramps shook his head.

"You're not ready yet. You still have many years to live." I scoffed.

"Only many?" I looked back and saw a t.v. like square showing the battle of us vs Jiraiya. I tensed.

Gramps chuckled. "You desperatly want to go back and protect your friends and family, yet you wish to just die?" He was really getting on my nerves.

I gave up trying to beat him in an argument. "Please tell me how I can beat Jiraiya-sama!" His face then got serious.

"Usually, I wouldn't recommend this but I have no choice. Firstly, listen very close." I nodded my head and he walked next to me.

"I am living inside you." I literally felt as if I were going to throw up.

"Being my son's daughter, you have some of the nine-tails in you. Can't help it." This, I already knew. Mother told me how sometimes I would lose control over my emotions. Any emotion.

"You may use this power to defeat Jiraiya sensei. But, I would have to control it along with you helping me do this." I nodded.

"How?" I asked wanting to know.

"Think about all the things that are precious to you. Everyone has something precious they want to protect and keep safe no matter what. I will also be doing this for this is the most important factor in controlling the nine-tails. It will be very difficult the first few times, but once you get the hang of it, you can advance even further in controlling you nine-tails. To get everything started you must feel an emotion so strong, that everything else doesn't matter. This should be easy since you are already experiencing it."

After he explained the rest of the process and told me what to do, I closed my eyes and let the sounds and colors of the world come back. I opened my eyes and started down at Shunsuke's wound.

Slowly, my rage came back and I let it.

I ignored my dad's yells at me.

I unclenched my fist and my rage increased even more. In no time at all, red chakra started to emerge around me.

Last thing I saw was everyone's stares at me. Jiraiya must of came out of the justu because I saw his eyes return to normal and say, "What?"

Ruka. Ruka.

I followed the voice, but got no where. I looked around for an exit, but everything was dark.

Ruka....remember what I said......

I recognized the voice as gramps's and did what we planned on earlier.

I concentrated hard.

Images flashed before me.

I burst out crying as I stared up at the faces of my parents. My mom had a weak smile, while my dad was crying from joy.
" She is a very strong baby. She might even grow up to be as strong as her parents." I heard a nurse say.

The image changed.

I was growling in pain as I tried to get up.

"Is that all you got, Ruka?" I heard Sakura sensei as she walked towards me.

I laughed. "I'm the Hokage's daughter! I never give up! I'm not afraid of you or whatever you throw at me!" I concentrated all of my chakra towards my right fist as I punched through the ground, making Sakura sensei jumped up in order to dodge the rocks that flew towards


The image changed again.

"Happy Birthday Ruka!" I blew out my candles on top the cake.

"How does it feel to turn 13?" My dad asked me. I considered it and answered him.

"Not to different. Why? Was I supposed to?" Everyone laughed at my comment. I looked at them confused, but happy at the same time.


The image changed again.

"Congrats, Ruka! You made it to chuunin!" Mom hugged me while praising me.

"I was seventeen when I became chuunin. You made it a few weeks after your 13th birthday! So proud of you!" I was so happy and warm inside I forgot about everything else, and made it my goal to become jounin next. Hopefully, all the way to Hokage.

"You have a beautiful family Ruka." I saw gramps walking to me as I remembered where I was. "You were able to control your anger, and now you are in control of your nine-tails cloak. I will continue on helping you, but now...." His face turned a little sad and ashamed. He looked at me again with his face serious and determined. "Defeat Jiraiya sensei!"

A light flashed and I found myself surrounded by red chakra. It burned a little, but I ignored it. I was on all fours so I stood up. 

"Ruka!! Can you hear me!" My dad shouted right next to me. I flinched, not seeing him there.

I yelled back, "Yes! I can hear you!" He smiled and got back into a fight stance.

"You're more advanced than me. Remind me to talk to you after this. Okay?"

I nodded and also got ready.

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