Ch.21 Misaki what?! Part 2

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pLeAsE eNjOy!!!!!!

Misaki's POV

Itachi didn't talk much alive. But dead, even less. How did we even stumble upon him? Oh. That's right. Takashi.


"Wow. You look amazing MIsaki." Takashi tells me.

I take a look at myself and nod. "You're right. Maybe that's why I choose it." i sighed. I had gone to the store to buy new clothes and it took longer than I thought. Ruka looked amazing always. I couldn't let her beat me. Then, I felt curious.

"Takashi? Who's your dad?" I asked looking straight into his eyes. He blushed a little.

"I'm sure you met him. Kakashi." He later said. I noticed the similarities. If Kakashi named him, how original.

"Ok." i walked away leaving behind a confused Takashi.

"Wait! What about you?" I stopped. I eventually remembered everything, but it just made me want to forget it again. I knew the jutsu would wear off sometime soon, so no point telling him now right?

"Uh...You'll see soon." I said. The down side to knowing everything is not knowing everyhting he once knew. Pain mentioned that I had a Kekkai Genkai. I still couldn't figure it out. What I did earlier inside Kira was impossible now. But somehow, I felt really close to it.

"Misaki! Watch out!" Takashi pushed me out of the way catching a kunai on him. He fell down bleeding. I crawled towards him and put pressure on the wound. More blood gushed out.

"Crap! I'm not a medical ninja!" I yelled out loud to myself.

"It's ok. I am. Just go." His hand glowed green and he placed it on top the wound. He seemed to feel better for a moment. I stood up and felt the foe's chakra across the field. I tightened my black gloves and pixed my pig tails. I loved pig tails for some reason.

*Flashback end*

Ok. Maybe it was my fault but still. He shouldn't have done that. I could have taken it. But all of that doesn't matter now. Itachi is a powerful foe and must be beaten. 

I stared at him and then one moment he vanished. Quickly, I made a release hand sign and nothing happened. Next option was duck. He passed over my head making contact with a piece of hair.

"Nice try." I grabbed his leg and threw him back across the field. I charged after him with my fist filled with chakra. I threw at him but he I kept missing him. "Stay still!" I ordered but of course he didn't listen. He leaped away and just stood there. His eyes changed.

I looked away knowing that if I did look, I was over. I kept track of his feet and hand movements. It was all working until he vanished again. I couldn't create a single hand sign.

Everything around me turned red. "Crap! I got caught in his genjutsu! But how?" I tried to remain calm and breathed. "Ok." I slowly moved my hands closer together.

"Failure." A voice whispered. My hands frozed again. Beads of sweat fell. 'No! Not now!' I thought. Again the voice whispered the word. "Failure." 

"I'm not a failure! I never was and I never will!" 

"Selfish.....Failure...." I tried to calm down again. It's just playing me. Don't let it get to you Misaki. I kept telling myself that over and over again but the voice found more things to say the more I said it. Soon, I had reached my limit.

"Child......Horrible.....Selfish.....Failure.....Mistake.......Unloveable..." I collapsed. I panted hard. 'Why am I so affected by this?' I kept asking myself. The voice ket repeating them and I felt my insanity grow.

Just then, everything cleared and I saw myself standing in the middle of the field sweating. I looked down and say Ruka's pet.

It looked at me as if asking if I were ok. "Did you help me?" She nodded. "Thank you very much."

She looked around and saw no one. She pulled out a scroll from behind and opened it. It was a contract. I hadn't made a contract with any animal because I was planning to summon Pakkun and the others. But knowing my situation, two contracts wouldn't hurt. 

I bit my thumb and blood spilled. I spelled my name on the scroll and stood up. She held out her paw. I remembered and pressed my fingerprints in blood on the scroll. She closed it and steped back. I used the same blood and did the summoning jutsu. A beautiful lion cub appeared. It had black fur with red fluff on the top of his head. It had a fighter look but seemed gentle at the same time.

Yvonne left and the cub and me were alone.

'Miss? Did you call me?' It asked me. I blinked. 'You can hear me right?' It tilted it's head. I nodded. I felt Itachi's chakra and immediatly grabbed the cub and jumped away. Where I once stood roamed black burning fire. "Amaterasu huh? How desperate are you? Are you even the real Itachi?" I teased. I felt more intense chakra from behind. I landed before more of the fire could get to me.

'Miss? My name is Mason. I am to help you in any need.' Mason told me.

"How bout now?" I yelled as I dodged more fire. Something did't seem right. I stopped jumping and finally let the fire get me. It didn't burn.

'Release!' I heard Mason say and again everything changed. It was all a trap to get me further into the forest. I looked at him dumbfounded. 'I'm a master at Genjutsu and my chakra nature is Fire and Wind.' He said as if he had repeated it thousands of times before.

"Great. I also really good att genjutsu and I'm fire. Enough intros, lets fight!" I said and Mason nodded. I placed him on the ground and he stood confidently next to me. Finally, Itachi showed himself and decided that he was in the mood for some taijutsu. We kicked and punched back and forth not landing a single blow to each other. Mason threw fireballs to distract him and gave them more juice with wind. We worked together in perfect harmony.

'Fire Style- Fireball Jutsu!' He said and I steped back leading Itachi straight towards the fireball. He took the hit and fell back further into the forest. Me and Mason were already breathing hard but didn't care. He seemed to enjoy it as much as I was. We laughed for a while and then got serious again when Itachi got up again. He ran further back. We followed and came upon an open space.

Mason stopped making me fly foward. 'Miss!' He yelled to me bnut it was too late. A huge net sprung from beneath the grass and wrapped itself around me. Once I was caught the man who was chasing me before came out. 'Miss! I shall rescue you!' Mason called out as he hid behind bushes. I nodded slowly so he understood but the man didn't.

"You are really a coward. You sent a fake Itachi to lure me in? Wow." i said buying time.

"Well, would you have come willingly?" He asked already knowing.

"Nope." I said without fear. i slowly reached for my kunai but a hand grabbed me from behind.

"I wouldn't." He said. I looked back and saw Takashi holding me. My eyes widened. I looked closer and relieazed that he was in some sort of trance. Genjutsu? No. But how. "I will never tell you." The man said as if reading my mind. "You would then be able to do it." My attention went back to him. Then something seemed familiar....

heyyyy......sorry to end it there. It's really late at night and so i'm pooped! Not much good at fight scences but I try my ABSOLUTE best! Pic on the side is how Mason looks like!

~Needles! >-<

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