Ch.11 When Can I Know?

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Hihi! I decided to update two chapters every week. Days will prob be random at first but then i might decide. Anyways, i worked really hard on this and im having a MAJOR writers block plus other things. Hope you enjoy this. */_\*. Itachi will make sure of that! Your choice!

Naruto's POV


I hear a voice scream inside of me.

"Can you hear me?"

Who is this voice?


Misaki? Is that you?

"Yes! Its Misaki! Anyway, we don't have much time! Say Konan's name!"


"Just do it, damn it!"


"Hey Kira!" I shout out and catch her attention. "What happened to Konan?" She stops in disbelief and pain. Tears suddenly start to well up in her eyes, marking her face with clear streams. I feel a tinge of regret. She stops crying and stares blankly at the floor. Sakura takes the opportunity to finish the conflict off by hitting her unconscious. She falls to the ground, the red chakra that once surrounded her fading away.

"I'll explain everything later I promise." The voice said and fades along with the chakra. I feel someone approaching the building and I face them. I see a startled girl with long blonde hair, wearing short blue pants, along with a sky blue tank top. She jumps up to the building panting, as if in a rush. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail which came out in pieces from running.

"Daddy? What happened here? I felt such an enormous chakra, and thought it was you at first. Then I felt Sakura sensei's chakra spike up so much I thought she was in trouble. Then yours came up, and I started to panic. Are you ok?" I clearly heard the worry in her voice so I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. She did the same back to me. I heard a groan and stared down at the body lying on the floor.

"Sakura. Take her to the hospital. Once she is checked and is healthy, bring her to my office." Sakura nodded and picked up Misaki...or Kira...whatever her name was and jumped off the building with Misaki on her back. When she left I asked Ruka, "How did you get away from Temari?"

She smiled. She had such a beautiful smile. "Easy. She let me go."

Mental note to self: Talk to Temari about letting my daughter run around the city alone looking for trouble.

Misaki's POV

"Kira?"I ask as I see a little girl curled up in ball in a corner.

"Leave me alone." She responded.

"I understand. I'm sorry for what you went through. I remember a lot now. Just....."

"Yes." She interupted. I smiled. I knew we would be fine from here on. She got up and we walked towards each other. She hugged me before I could hug her. "I accept."

Ruka's POV

Something obviously happened because he kept changing the subject whenever I asked what happened on top of the Hokage Residence building. Also, that girl was strange. I didn't know how, but I felt such a powerful chakra from her.

"Wheres mommy?" I finally asked.

"Well, we are now on our way to her right now." He grabbed hold of my hand as of I were a kid. I try to get out of his grip like I always do when he does that, but this time he squeezed tighter than usual. Wierd.

I notice that we arrive at a building with other apartments below each other. Dad takes me to the top floor where on the door it has a red circular symbol. An uzumaki symbol maybe? As I try to remember where I have seen this before, dad opens the door. A light shown from inside the kitchen. I hear people talking in hushed tones as we walk in. They instantly stop talking. I see my mom next to a man with silver hair sticking up as if defying gravity. I notice he has bruised arms and cuts everywhere around his body.

"Kakashi san! Are you ok?" He looks over to me and I see a hint of hesitation in his eyes. Why? It then suddenly leaves.

"Yes, I'm ok Ruka." He looked up to Naruto. "Anything happen?"

I looked at my dad with curious eyes. What does he mean? He already told me everything was fine and nothing happened. Was he lying?

"I'll tell you in the morning. Hinata, are you ok?"

"Yes i'm fine." I walked over to my mom who took me to a room. The room itself was pretty empty except for the one bed to the side next to a window. A dresser stood next to it with some old photos. I picked up one of the photos and held it in my hand.

There were four people. Kakashi with three kids below him. The girl in the middle had pink hair and was smiling the most. To the left of her was a boy with black hair that was shaped like a duck's butt. He was making an 'I hate you face' to the boy across him. He had blonde spiky hair and wearing an orange jumpsuit while looking at the other boy with a face of disgust.

"Thats your dad when he was young and assigned to Team 7." My mom told me with nostalgic in her voice.

"So the girl is Sakura sensei and the other kid is Uncle Sasuke?" I asked her and she replied with a nod. Suddenly, reliazation went over me. This is my dad's former house. "Why did dad live here instead of with grandma and grandpa?" He wouldn't talk about them so I thought now was a good time.

"Why don't you ask him yourself sweetie?"

"Ask me what?" I turn towards the voice to see dad leaning of the door frame.

"Well, Ruka wanted to know about your parents." I gave him my most cutest face in chances for him to soften up.

"Maybe when you're older."

"But I'm already thirteen! How much older must I get? What happened?!" He took this into consideration.

"Alright then, I'll tell you the day after your birthday. When you actually turn thirteen. You just have to wait for two more days." He picked me up in his arms and set me on the bed. I shifted into place just in time for him to cover me up with the bed sheets. Now more than ever I couldn't wait for that day.

hi! sorry for it being such a short chap but I'm like switching back and forth from computer to moblie! plz comment I love hearing ( or reading) on what you guys think! please vote and share this with your friends if they are naruto fans as well! *~*

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