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"Mom, I've just arrived at the apartment, I'll call you later!" I hung up before she could protest. I get out of the moving van and walk through the front door. I look
up at my apartment complex, it's a small grey building with  vintage looking Windows and rooftop. I sigh and walk in the front door and wander up the stairs. My friend Dan who got me this apartment told me that there was a LOT of stairs and small hallways. I am apparently on the top floor which is good and bad, good because I'll have a good view of Manchester. Bad because I will have to walk these stairs two times or more a day.
Finally I get to the top and walk all the way down to my room which is at the very end of the hallway. There is one door across from me and I really hope they don't come out in the hallway to say hello. I open the door and step inside, Dan had already set up my furniture for me. All I had to do now was bring up all the boxes up and unpack.
I smoothly got all of my other boxes to my house but for some reason my typewriter box felt a bit heavier than usual. So as I finally reach my
Door with the last box I hear the door across the hall open.
I turn around to find a boy with dark brown hair that swoops across his forehead, his eyes could be argued to be yellow or a shade of Amber. He's taller than me and I'm 5'6". He's wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. He looks down at me and gives me a small smile.
"Oh hi, you must be my new neighbor. I'm Garret O'Conner." He extended his hand out toward me and I shook it.
"Um, hi I'm Ophelia Forester." I give him a weary smile.
"I heard you struggling up the stairs, uh do you need any help?" He paused then looked panicked, "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean because you were a girl! I just meant I thought maybe you would like some help. But you prob don't want to be bothered so I'll just leave you too it!" He turned red and turned on his heels I thought I heard him say nice to meet you before the door shut but I don't even know. I'm just glad he left, I'm really tired and not feeling up to starting up a conversation.
He was kinda cute though, acting all flustered and bein-
No! I will not become a cliché by falling in love with the boy next door. Even though I sometime write it in my books doesn't mean it will happen to me.
I spend the rest of the night unpacking all of my things until it's 1 am and I remember I start class tomorrow. So I climb into my new bed and finding myself thinking of the boy next door before I fall asleep.

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