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I quickly slam the door behind me and slump against it. My friend Sam,who was sitting on my couch ,looked up at me." What's your problem?" I sighed and plopped on the couch next to him.
"I now have to stay inside my house forever now." I grabbed the controller to the tv and started to browse the channels.
"What does that mean? And what was that noise in the hall?"
"It was this girl moving in next door" I sighed. Sam smirked.
"Was she cute?" He laughed
"I don't know bro, she was a girl! She was alright. But she makes another person I might run into in the halls." I brushed him off.
"Whatever Garret, I've got to go. I'll see you later." He punched me in the arm and left.
I'm not going to lie though, that girl was really cute. Her dark blonde hair contrasted with her greens eyes and I just melted. I guess that's why I freaked out out there. It doesn't matter I swore that I would focus on my film work. Plus this girl probably didn't even like me. I now just have to avoid her at all cost.
An hour later I look down at my phone to see Sam has texted me:
-GARRET! Party tonight! You in? It's at Shelby's!
I sigh, Shelby ( Sam's girlfriend) always hosts party's that get way to out of hand. I text back:
-nah bro I have a project due tomorrow morning worth half my grade. Sry :/
It wasn't entirely true though, yes I had a project but it wasn't part of half  my grade. I immediately get a text back:
-you haven't been out of your house to other than school in 4 months your coming! I'm on my way to pick you up!
Theres absolutely nothing I can do now. When Sam forces you to do something,there is nothing you can do about it. I guess it's just a party right?

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